The Cartoonist Fired for criticising Trump strikes back

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers spent many decades being the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist, but ended up being fired because he created cartoons that criticised Trump. Yesterday Nib has published, in cartoon form of course, a comic that he has written to tell the story of what happened. It is titled  “I Was Fired for Criticizing Trump.”. Here is a brief … Read more

Why does Trump behave the way he does?


Every human, even the most vile and obnoxious, will generally see themselves as the lead actor playing the hero. We are never wrong, but instead are talking a stance for what we believe in. So what about Trump, why does he do what he does, even when it is clear that the impact is not … Read more

Did Trump ruin the Evangelical brand?


The Too Long, Didn’t Read (TL;DR;) answer to that question is no. An article within The Washington Post by Sarah Bailey discusses a meeting being held by high-profile evangelicals to discuss their future… About 50 top leaders of major evangelical institutions will attend an invitation-only gathering next week to discuss the future and the “soul” of evangelicalism … Read more

New Study suggests Fake News won Trump the election

fake news

A paper published by researchers at Ohio University explains that the flow of fake news might have been sufficient to enable Trump to win the 2016 election. Warning: The paper is just a research paper and is not peer-reviewed. It is interesting, but due to the lack of peer-review, I’d recommend digesting with a pinch … Read more

Best Climate Change Promoter – Trump

media matters trump and climate change

It is distinctly possible that after Salman Rushdie published his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, back in 1988, you would normally have never heard of it. Can you for example name any other novel he has written? Everything changed when the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran at that time, issued a formal fatwā calling … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weekly weird religious news

Welcome to this week’s weird religious news posting. Extreme religious belief and right-wing politics are both in many respects similar. Those that embrace such positions tend to be driven by emotional fears, and that drives them towards the preservation of existing traditions and ideas. When faced with alternatives then they will quite naturally resist. Facts … Read more