How the Catholic Church is still Protecting Child Abusers

Well yes, the title might come across as a tad click-baitish, but it is literally the official Catholic position to this day. Really? Yes really. If you, as a normal decent empathetic human being became aware that somebody was sexually abusing kids, your immediate response would be to report it to the authorities. You would … Read more

Pro-Life mom refuses life-saving Abortion

What happens when a Pro-life advocate hits the brick wall of a deeply harsh reality? A mother is pregnant, but now faces the devastating news that not only will the baby not survive, but unless she has an abortion, then it is highly probable that she also will die. It was perhaps inevitable that at … Read more

Jesus and the Topless Strip bar

Astonishing as it might sound, I ended up spending two weeks living in a topless strip bar, not despite Jesus, but because of Jesus. It was entirely his fault, if he had not been involved then this would not have happened to me. For the record, this is a totally true story that I felt … Read more

The Deconversion of Tens of Millions – The Age of the Nones

Today as you wake and look out, you might indeed conclude that the landscape you see is exactly the same as yesterday. It is not. You have woken up in a new world, an alien landscape. This is a place that was once peopled by tens of millions who previously identified with organised religion. Something … Read more