Are Atheists smarter than Religious people?

There is a prevailing thought that Atheists tend to be smarter than religious people. Is this just a belief based upon anecdotal observations or is it actually true? To put that question another way, I used to be religious, today I’m not. Does that imply that I have have become a lot smarter? There does … Read more

Claim: Atheism leaves only an empty feeling

Religious blowjob atheism

Generally when faced with various religious claims my best play is to perhaps simply roll my eyes and move on. Occasionally however I might be sufficiently provoked to wade in. Today’s offering concerns an opinion piece within The Catholic Register titled “Atheism leaves only an empty feeling“. The quick summary of the article is this … Read more

Skyrocketing Atheism Seen Among America’s Teens


The source for Today’s news comes, not from an impartial poll, but rather is sourced from a poll by Barna, an evangelical Christian polling firm based in Ventura, California. To be honest, given their specific bias, I’d be inclined to take any polling results they might advance on any topic, no matter how much I … Read more

Disbelieving Myths to be made illegal in Egypt

atheism in egypt

Atheism in Egypt is back in the news. The correct term to describe a person who does not believe that a god or gods exist is the word “Atheist”. If you are not sure about that, and many of those that do believe do actually reject it as the correct word, then simply google the … Read more