Why is having a gun in your home a really really bad idea?

On a business trip to the US, I was invited by one chap into his home, and at some point the topic of guns came up. Not being a US citizen, he was curious to solicit my views. He was clearly pro-gun and had some rather strong ideas, and so being a polite guest I … Read more

#BREXIT #EURef – Will the UK really leave the EU?

It appears to be starting to dawn on many that it is distinctly possible that the UK is not actually about to quit the EU even if every politician going is parroting “the people have spoken, we must respect that” line. A comment has appeared under a Guardian article that is now widely being shared, and … Read more

Rebooting the Human Immune system to cure multiple sclerosis

Dr. Jenny Remington-Hobbs (pictured above) is a 31 year old doctor, a neurologist, from London, who came down with multiple sclerosis (MS). This is one of the most common devastating neurological diseases because there was basically no real cure. The best most could hope for is anti-inflammatory drugs, but that is not a cure. Slowly slowly over time it … Read more

What happens now that #BREXIT has become a reality? – #EURef

(Rant Mode on) I never believed it and simply did not grasp that it would actually happen. Why not? Well because I simply did not think that we had a sufficiently large enough number of utterly stupid people who were so bereft of any and all common sense that they were unable to see that the LEAVE … Read more

How should you respond to violent religious extremists?

Some people can and do embrace utterly absurd beliefs that inspire them to behave in a truly obnoxious manner, and so you might sometimes wonder what the best way to handle such absurdity actually is. I’m thinking specifically of the extreme variations of Islamic belief that we are rather sadly familiar with. Are these people you can … Read more

#Brexit … how should you vote?

It’s #BREXIT day, and so for those of us in the UK it is time to vote, and so I have a couple of takes on this to share. One is quite funny, and the other is a serious bit of fact based analysis from a subject matter expert whose entire life has been dedicated … Read more