I’m a Christian Business and I want to fire a pregnant non-Christian employee

Now be warned, I have some serious doubts that this is real, and I would advise an appropriate degree of caution being applied, I strongly suspect somebody manufactured this to simply stir up a bit of attention. So the story is that an anonymous poster popped up on Reddit seeking legal guidance, in fact here … Read more

It’s the season of the Atheist Billboards argument once again

I’m starting out with a recent rant by Pat Robertson, but stick with me here, because this posting is not really about his absurd monolog, that is just a platform to get into the real debate about these billboards. Pat Robertson is indeed the gift that just keeps on giving, and so as I’m sure you … Read more

Really daft claim: “Atheism Is a Religion, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos Seek Converts”

Just how truly weird can claims made by serious intelligent people become? The answer would appear to be really really weird, because this latest example is truly quite stunning. David Klinghoffer, an author and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the organization that is the driving force behind the intelligent design movement has written an article within “Evolution News & … Read more

Top 5 weirdest most influential cranks on the Internet today

When faced with a search for the weirdest cranks around, I confess that it is truly a hard decision to make, there is simply so much choice, and so what I’ve finally settled on as a selection criteria is to go for those who have influenced lots of others and are often cited as “evidence” for … Read more

The wheelchair urban legend comes to life

This is a story that I have heard before, not as something that really happened, but rather as an Urban Legend (a story that I was told was a true story, but for which there was no actual evidence that it had ever actually happened in reality). Well now it has. About a week ago … Read more

Kevin Sorbo ticks yet another box on the road to complete lunacy

Yes, the actor Kevin Sorbo (pictured above playing Hercules) had done it again, and has managed to tick one more box on his journey down the road named “Complete loony street”. OK, let’s have a quick recap and see where we have been so far prior to this latest blooper… we had a silly anti-atheist rant here (18th Aug) … Read more