New Creationist Book: “Darwin Devolves”

Darwin Devolves

Biochemist Michael Behe of Lehigh University has a new book that will shortly emerge titled “Darwin Devolves”. While it will be a huge hit amongst Creationists, the wider scientific community will simply eye-roll and move on beyond this train wreck. It is not out until the end of the month, yet there has already been … Read more

Is Intelligent Design scientific?

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design is the idea that life as we know it was designed and that evolution is a myth. It is essentially creationism dressed up to sound sciency and so the claim is presented without all the religious terminology. This topic has popped up because the Discovery Institute, the primary promoters of the idea, have … Read more

Claim: “Nobel laureate Brian Josephson supports Intelligent Design”

Somebody at the Discovery Institute came across an old interview with Brian Josephson done as part of a CBS documentary. They are now highlighting it as “evidence” for Intelligent Design on the blog “Evolution News”. … He compares design in evolution to human creativity, and concedes that his ideas about ID may not be consistent with … Read more

Really daft claim: “Atheism Is a Religion, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos Seek Converts”

Just how truly weird can claims made by serious intelligent people become? The answer would appear to be really really weird, because this latest example is truly quite stunning. David Klinghoffer, an author and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the organization that is the driving force behind the intelligent design movement has written an article within “Evolution News & … Read more

The Centre for Unintelligent Design

When faced with wacky ideas or beliefs that are quite frankly silly, it may at times become very emotionally frustrating and that it turn might tempt us to simply yell at the proponents. However, there is a better way to respond and at the same time to get the key point across – deploy satire … Read more