Comments on “No God needed for Big bang”

As I’m sure you are aware by now, the world famous scientist, Prof. Stephen Hawking, has a new book coming out in which he explains that we don’t need God to explain the Big Bang. Our current understanding of modern physics is now sufficient and leaves no room left for the “God did it” hypothesis. … Read more

Snippits of utter insanity

Today I’m going to return back once more to Poe’s law. Only a few days ago I was blogging about “Internet Laws” and there introduced you to it. However, since then I’ve been exploring it a bit more and so I think I’ll share some of my discoveries with you. As a quick reminder, it … Read more

Its summer, the crazies are out of hibernation at the moment

Its the time of year known as the “Summer silly Season”, and as a prime example we have Channel 4’s 4ThoughtTV. Yes indeed, the bad pun should be a clue that the rest will not be all that well thought out. They appear to have dipped into the shallow end of the gene pool. Last … Read more

How to cope with Westboro Baptist Wingnuts

The Westboro Baptist church truly push the boat of intolerance far out into uncharted territories and are best known for picketing funerals. Yes, you did indeed read that correctly, under the cover of the US first amendment right to freedom of speech they excel at being truly offensive by turning up at funerals and holding … Read more