What Rights do Women have in Islam?

You can google the term “Women in Islam” and find a summary such as this Wikipedia page – Women in Islam. There, if you take a quick peek, you will find that it discusses various aspects such as education, employment, legal matters, marriage, movement and travel, and of course dress code. We are of course all familiar … Read more

Human Rights and the UN – Hypocrisy incarnate

The UN has a Human Rights Council, UNHRC, an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. Now that is a really fantastic thing to have, the fact that humans have agreed to create such an entity is truly … Read more

LSE Students Union enforces a new Human right – The right not to be offended

There appears to be a bit of a competition going on between the UK based Reading University students union (RUSU) and the London School of Economics students union. Last year we saw the RUSU get themselves worked up into a tizzy because student secular society had a Pineapple on their stall at the Fresher fayre labelled … Read more

“Gay marriage is not a faith issue” … says Archbishop of Canterbury

The debate on the proposed Gay Marriage bill in the UK has reached the House of Lords, and as might be expected, the unelected Bishops have a few thoughts on it all. Side note, yes we have people who are part of our law-making process on the sole basis that they have an imaginary friend … Read more

Jailed in Cameroon for “looking” gay …. WTF!

The BBC reports that two men jailed in Cameroon for “looking” gay have been finally acquitted. Apparently … the way the men dressed… spoke and the fact that they drank Bailey’s Irish Cream proved they were gay Wow, so everybody who has a Bailey’s Irish Cream is Gay, hence by implication drinking a Bailey’s results in … Read more

Ahmadinejad’s 8 Years of Lies on Iran’s Human Rights

Answering Ahmadinejad’s Lies Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in New York, along with 140 people. At a time when many Iranians are struggling with economic hardship because of sanctions, this party of Iranian Royalty will be staying at the £1,000 a night Warwick hotel, now there is a real kick in the teeth for the people … Read more