Wingnut Weekly – 15th Sep 2019


What is truly fascinating is that when faced with the various pronouncements, claims, and assertions that the wingnut clan continues to promote, there is no need to do anything except to simply quote their own words. It is all so bizarre, absurd, and utterly daft, that any attempt at satire or mockery would be pointless … Read more

Alex Jones Has Been Named In Two More Defamation Suits

alex jones

This is quite frankly wonderful news, it could not have happened to a nicer person than Alex Jones of Infowars fame. Let’s first give you a bit of context. If you have no idea who Alex Jones actually is, then the background context is that he is most probably the leading conspiracy theory promoter in … Read more

The truth about Alex Jones

Alex Jones

You are probably familiar with Alex Jones. He is generally viewed as a conspiracy theorist who has over the years promoted some truly weird claims that have no evidence at all. Truth, honesty, integrity, or for that matter, evidence, are all very much out of scope. Specific examples of his claims includes … The Sandy … Read more

Will Roy Moore stand and win or stand down?

roy moore

OK, so let’s cut to the chase and give you the quick TL;DR; answer – He will most probably continue and will most probably win. There is much I could of course say. Since a great deal of it is being churned over by the primary media outlets I need not dig into it all … Read more

There is going to be a Flat Earth conference

flat earth

A local paper reports that Cary in North Carolina is going to host a conference of Flat Earth believers in Nov, and no doubt they will come flocking from all around the globe to attend. There are of course people who promote the idea, not because they actually believe, but simply for a laugh and … Read more