What are the Greatest Moments in Human History?

The greatest moments image (above) has popped up on Facebook. No doubt you will guess that it comes from an evangelical believer named Mark Spence – if curious, you can find that original Facebook posting here. You know that the image will of course provoke, and so those that believe all give it a thumbs up and those … Read more

What is the best way to debunk fake Videos?

Viral fake videos abound because they tickle our imagination. So how do you effectively debunk one? If you were faced with a talking head where somebody proceeds to debunk it fact by fact, then most eyes will rapidly glaze over and the vast majority will simply move on. Is there a better solution? Actually, yes … Read more

US FTC: Homeopathy ‘treatments’ must be labelled to say they do not work

Historically the US FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has tended to turn a bit of blind eye to Homeopathy. That however has just changed … Enforcement Policy Statement on Marketing Claims for OTC Homeopathic Drugs The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is issuing this Policy Statement to provide guidance regarding its enforcement policy with respect to marketing claims … Read more

How can we effectively reach out to Trump Supporters?

You might think that perhaps a religious decree from the religious top would do the trick and would be an effective means for the reality-distortion barrier that prevails to be effectively breached. Apparently not, and we have a real example of that. In 2015 Pope Francis issued a 184 page declaration that Climate Change was … Read more

What is the best source for accurate information?

The TL;DR; (Too Long; Didn’t Read) answer for the question in the subject line is that Wikipedia is. When you have vast swathes of the human population interacting on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter then it tends to naturally devolve into bubbles. For example those that support Hillary will be sufficiently motivated … Read more

Web History: The Coffee Potty

I appear to be falling into a habit of writing a not so serious posting for the weekend and so in keeping with that tradition, let’s start by taking a small ramble over the history of the very first live webcam. The Trojan Room Coffee Pot The world’s very first live WebCam emerged from the depths … Read more