The Moment She died the clock stopped

richard feynman

Richard Feynman tells the following story about the time when his wife Arline died. It was 1945. She was in her 20s and sadly had tuberculosis. They had only been married two years. Below is an extract from his book, Surely Your Joking Mr. Feynman, describing what happened while he was working in Los Alamos … Read more

Exploring Science Denial – New study published

science denial

A new paper has been published within the Personality and Social Psychology bulletin entitled  … Not All Skepticism Is Equal: Exploring the Ideological Antecedents of Science Acceptance and Rejection We report three studies—including an analysis of large-scale survey data—in which we systematically investigate the ideological antecedents of general faith in science and willingness to support … Read more

What makes beliefs that are not true credible?

It is rather popular to promote belief by making an appeal along one of the following lines … Famous person X believes, or has just converted, or simply said something nice about the belief. Lots of people believe this or lots of people are converting and now believe this Individual offers a story about how … Read more