Did Michele Bachmann say that white people suffered more under Obama than black people did during slavery?

I saw the following posting pop up on Facebook where it is being promoted as fact … It comes across as horrendous, crass, and an incredibly stupid thing to say. It very much panders to the reputation she has as somebody who is very religious and is often quoted as saying some truly silly things, … Read more

Children’s Home Refuses $28,000 Donation

You would perhaps expect a Children’s Charity that has been established to provide a home and support for abused kids would gratefully receive any and every donation offered …. but apparently not. So this is what happened. This is a story about how Matt Wilbourn and his wife (pictured above) attempted to make a donation to a … Read more

Climate Change: People really do change their minds

Once a view is adopted and embraced, is that it, or can humans break free? The answer is of course that people can and do break free from previous ideas and instead accept that they were once wrong. Generally however it does take time, and they also need to work it out for themselves. Chad Myers … Read more

Has religious decline come to a halt in the UK?

The National Center for social research has recently released some new statistics. In this they reveal that the decline of religion within the UK appears to have halted. The UK’s Telegraph has in turn picked this up and run with that .. Decline of religion in Britain ‘comes to a halt’ – major study suggests … Read more

Are Demons Real?

Let’s start with the basics first – There is no evidence that supernatural entities known as demons are real and actually exist. There are of course many stories. The concept is also a powerful religious idea that helps people to explain some things, hence the idea thrives and persists. Many belief systems claim that unseen hidden supernatural entities … Read more

A Farewell to Ice

Peter Wadhams, perhaps one of the world authorities on sea ice, has a new book that might be of interest. It is quite rightly called “A Farewell to Ice“. Well OK, not quite published yet, because publication date is 1st Sep in the UK (alas US folks, it is not out there until next Feb, but hey … Read more