Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming: The Window Is Closing

Dangerous Global Warming

If we proceed with a business-as-usual scenario and fail to take truly meaningful decisive action to address Climate Change then there is about a 50 percent possibility that global temperatures will rise by 4 degrees celsius. This is an actual existential threat for our species and would be quite deadly. Where are I getting this from? … Read more

Solid and liquid cats wins 2017 #IgNobel award

Each September the #IgNobel awards, a parody of the Nobel Prize, gives out awards to the weirdest bit of real research that has taken place in the past year. While the award itself is satirical social criticism and not a real award, the research it highlights is quite real. It’s also not new, this has … Read more

The Impact of vaccines is profound – they really do work

As a rather blatant slap in the face for the anti-vaccine movement there is a new study that illustrates the profoundly positive and deep impact that vaccines have, and will continue to have. Vaccines save 20 million lives, $350 billion in poor countries since 2001 It is the one medical intervention that stands out from … Read more

Hurricanes – How you can really help?

hurricane charity

The practical tips on how to really help via a good charity are further down. First comes a bit of fun that points out some of the utterly absurd and quite frankly daft claims from the more extreme fringes of the religious community. Being faced with such silly claims from con men who are using … Read more

PRRI Poll: US religious landscape undergoing dramatic transformation

A massive new survey from PRRI reveals seismic shifts in the religious landscape within the US. The report is based on findings from the single largest survey of American religious and denominational identity ever conducted, based on interviews with more than 101,000 Americans from all 50 states conducted across 2016. The report includes detailed information about … Read more

BBC News: “More than half in UK are non-religious”

There is a BBC article (dated 4th Sept) that reports that in the UK … 53% of people described themselves as having “no religion”, in a survey of 2,942 adults by the National Centre for Social Research. Among those aged between 18 and 25, the proportion was higher at 71%. What is their source? The … Read more