2014 Nobel Prize – Peace … rather a lot of upset often comes from this one

This is the one that they often get very very wrong. I don’t mean to imply that those within the selection process are either stupid or daft, but rather is an observation that it is perhaps a political decision, and so when the decision goes against the tide of my own personal politics, it becomes … Read more

2014 Nobel Prize – Literature … the writing is on the wall

The written word is in many respects a profound concept – the idea that we can capture and persist thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts, dreams and visions in a format that can live on long after the author has passed and be picked up and absorbed is truly astonishing. We take it for granted because we have … Read more

How do you feel about “Them” and how do “they” view us? – will it ever change?

Our larger national culture is something that is actually composed of rather a lot of smaller micro-cultures and there are many different types of these micro-cultures within this larger national unit. As an example, this can manifest as distinct geographical variations (North vs South) where each is a distinctly different micro-culture even though in a larger more global context it can … Read more

Emma Watson’s speech at the UN provokes backlash against her – #HeForShe

Emma Watson, yes from harry Potter (she will no doubt carry that association for the rest of hurt life), has made a speech at the UN a couple of days ago that has provoked quite a  reaction. She called for all men to be slaughtered and demanded that the UN immediately proceed with this plan … Read more

Georgia student’s family disowns and assaults him in nightmarish gay ‘intervention’ video

Meet Daniel Ashley Pierce, a really nice kid who has just been disowned, violently assaulted, and then thrown out of his house by his family. He came out to his family in October last year, then on Wednesday last week, his father, stepmother, mother and grandparents assembled in his father’s house to disown him and cut off … Read more

Who actually owned the copyright to a picture

Above is a fabulous picture of a grinning female macaque – so who actually owns the copyright for this? Is it the person who owns the camera, or the person who borrowed the camera and took the picture? In this case, because it is in dispute … the answer is supposedly nobody and so it is claimed … Read more