The Guardian’s Hatchet job of Maajid Nawaz

The former Islamic extremist and now anti-extremist campaigner, Maajid Nawaz, has had a bit of a hatchet job done to him by David Shariatmadari within a Guardian article. He was supposedly being profiled, but then Mr Shariatmadari laced it all with some anonymous quotes and essentially stuck the knife into him. Was it Really A hatchet Job? … Read more

Will Religion ever vanish?

OK, let’s cut to the chase and give you the answer up front … probably not in our immediate future, because humans are by nature naturally selected with many cognitive biases that make us like this. There is a really good article over at BBC Future by Rachel Nuwer that covers this question, and so I’m … Read more

The GOP Debate … what did they say and who won?

OK, so there is plenty of coverage of the GOP candidate debate and so I need not cover it in too much detail except to perhaps add a few additional rather obvious observations. As a hint, the picture above more or less sums it all up. So what did they actually say? Every candidate more or … Read more

The Satanic Temple … are dark forces rising up?

A couple of days ago the Satanic Temple unveiled a nine feet tall statue (pictured above) to a crowd of hundreds who had turned up to see this in Detroit. When compared with other events it was a tiny gathering, and yet at the same time was also culturally huge, so much so, that Time magazine felt that it … Read more


Pamela Geller is a rather vocal critic of Islam, and that is fine of course because no idea should be immune to criticism or scrutiny, but as you might imagine, her name is one that invokes a considerable degree of outrage amongst some Muslims. There is a rather popular myth that she is a racist who … Read more

Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

Sometimes he really does nail it. What faced with the absurd rhetoric that “Christianity is Under Attack by Liberals”, Bill proceeds to not simply slice and dice this nonsense, he complete and utterly nukes it with the facts … There are of course many out there who believe the absurd rhetoric, and so what needs … Read more