Increasing CO2 level increases Ocean Acidification – 450ppm is very bad

ocean acidification

What is perhaps not appreciated by some is that as CO2 increases and the oceans continue to absorb it, there is a huge consequence. The basic chemistry involved results in what is known as Ocean Acidification. There is a paper that was published back in 2008 that examined the impact that various level of CO2 within … Read more

Reducing CO2 is not enough to deal with Climate Change

The prevailing initiatives for addressing climate change are focused upon the reduction of our CO2 emissions via the Paris Agreement. This is of course a rather obvious step, but what is also becoming clear is that current goals will not be enough. Some longer term thinking has been articulated within a new study entitled “Young … Read more

Breitbart Claim: “Study finds nearly all recent Global warming fabricated”

Tagging a claim as a “Breitbart Claim” is to more or less tag it as a “Fake News” claim, because this is a source that has no credibility for either accuracy or honesty. That’s not a specifically left wing vs right wing slur, but rather is a reflection of the track record they have established … Read more

#FakeNews Alert: Claim: “@MichaelEMann – ‘Commits contempt of court’”

I recently came across the claim that the well-known climate scientist Michael E Mann had ruined his long running defamation lawsuit by committing contempt of court. It was basically being tossed in my face by an anti-science guy as “evidence” a few days ago. Finding this being touted is perhaps not a surprise because if … Read more

Larsen C has finally split – It is one of the biggest icebergs ever recorded – #antarctic

Last December I was writing about the widening rift that had been measured in the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the Antarctic by NASA’s #ICEBridge. I highlighted the inevitable – the breakup of the Larsen C ice shelf,  and pointed out that this was part of the on-going process that had seen Larsen A disintegrate in … Read more

Criticising “The Uninhabitable Earth” – #Climate

David Wallace-Wells has published a climate-centric doomsday article within the New York Times that is quite harrowing to read. Entitled “The Uninhabitable Earth” and published on 9th July, it lays out various scenarios within 9 sections. Yes, I’ve read it all, and if you are going to allocate the time to do so, then be … Read more