COVID-19 Coronavirus Mythology

What is perhaps inevitable is that when some major event happens, conspiracy theories and myths take off. This is not unique to COVID-19, it happens with any and every major event. It might be tempting to simply roll your eyes and ignore it, but not addressing some of these myths will indeed have consequences. Take … Read more

Climate Change: Countering Misinformation


What should you do when faced with climate misinformation, is there a science-based strategy that can be deployed? Yes there is – the 4D project is one example.

Shock announcement from credible source – NASA has discovered alien DNA

While surfing Facebook the other day, a posting that caught my eye was entitled … Marijuana Contains “Alien DNA” From Outside Of Our Solar System, NASA Confirms My immediate thought was “That’s Bullshit”. If it had been via or some other similar dubious source then I would have simply rolled my eyes and moved on, but since this was … Read more