Wingnut Weekly – 15th Sep 2019


What is truly fascinating is that when faced with the various pronouncements, claims, and assertions that the wingnut clan continues to promote, there is no need to do anything except to simply quote their own words. It is all so bizarre, absurd, and utterly daft, that any attempt at satire or mockery would be pointless … Read more

How do you persuade an Evangelical that Climate Change is real?

persuasion evangelicals climate change

One startling observation is that the vast majority of Evangelicals within the US reject the idea that climate change is real. However, there is some hope. A new study reveals that an evangelical mind can be changed if clear factual information is presented by somebody who is an insider. They simply get presented with what … Read more

Weird Religious News – Bastshit Crazy

The majority of humans have inherited a cultural religious tradition and will in general accept various aspects with varying degrees of confidence, for example thinking that story X has some truth to it, but creation myth Y is just a metaphor designed to illustrate a point. For most that is reasonable, but there are however … Read more

Why Do Evangelicals support Trump?


Traditionally you would perhaps expect that Evangelicals would be all about Love, Forgiveness, and helping the stranger, but within the US political arena there exists a bizarre and quite pervasive political-religious devotion to Trump amongst the vast majority of those that identify as white evangelicals. Regardless of all that has happened, as many as 71% … Read more

Evangelicals and Climate Change – What would Jesus do?

evangelicals and climate change

Words such as Atheist, Muslim, Democrat, Republican, or Evangelical are short-cut terms used to describe where we stand on various political or religious issues. Useful as they are, they are also often deceptive because they paper over a vast degree of complexity that rests under the surface. here are a few examples … All Muslims … Read more