New Studies: Europe warming faster than expected, Flooding as Expected

Europe warming faster than expected due to Climate Change

I have two new studies to cover today. Both are interesting because they add data to the conversation. One reveals that parts of Europe are warming faster than the models predict, and the other reveals that Europe is flooding exactly as the models predict. Let’s take a quick look at each. Study 1: Detection of … Read more

The European Heatwave of June 2019


Once again the ominous phrase “record breaking” pops up. The forecast is that the heatwave will see temperatures of up to 45c in France. “But it is summer” you might quip, “what exactly did you expect”. Er no, it is not August, we are still in June. Here is how the UK’s Guardian explains the … Read more

Wildfires in 2017 season is global phenomenon – #climate


Wildfires in this 2017 season are a huge problem as vast swathes of land across the United States, Canada, and also in Europe and Siberia are on fire right now. Popular Science has highlighted a few interactive maps so that you can see the scale of what has been going on. US: An interactive version of … Read more