IPCC’s starkest message yet: extreme steps needed to avert climate disaster

On April 4, 2022, Working Group III formally published their input for the Sixth Assessment Report. Quick Mini Primer to set some context The Sixth Assessment Report, sometimes referred to as AR6 or IPCC AR6, is so named because it is the sixth in a series that assess scientific, technical, and socio-economic information concerning climate change. … Read more

Climate: The Building is on Fire but the Show is too good to miss

Air temperature at a height of two metres for 2021, shown relative to its 1991–2020 average. Source: ERA5. Credit: Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF

(The posting below is a writing experiment. I’m interleaving cold hard facts, the latest climate data, along with a metaphorical and totally fictitious micro-story about one lone remote cinema. Why? Data can be dull, it is an attempt to say something about how we as a species are not responding to the data in any … Read more