Are people who embrace religious ideas stupid?

The quick short answer is “no”, being religious does not make you stupid .. OK, were are done. Well yes, I did want to write a bit more. Barbara Drescher, a cognitive psychologist and blogger, has posted a really good article to the new skeptical blogging platform whose writers focus on scientific skepticism (yea) all about this very topic. There she explains that highly … Read more

Video: What is Skepticism?

Not too long ago the JREF ran a workshop on what it really means to be skeptical, and the good news is that they have now released a complete video of it all, so no need to travel to LA, you can watch it on-line at your own pace. First the description … The common … Read more

Defining the scope of Skepticism

Barbara Drescher, a cognitive psychologist and also a JREF board member, has a fabulous posting over on her blog entitled, “On Skepticism: Its Definitions and Scope”. In it she outlines some spot on definitions and has also listed after it a vast wealth of material. I struggled with this one a bit, normally when I find … Read more