UN Human Rights – Making the Poachers the Gamekeepers

The United Nations has a Human Rights council, but of course you knew that. If you check out their site, there they lay out what they are there for in very plain terms … The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and … Read more

Christians vs Atheists, the movie

You might perhaps be wondering what this drama is all about. For those in the know it all comes down to that one-man incarnation of religious eccentricity, Mr Ray Comfort. He is also rather famously known to some as “The Banana Man” due to a previous evangelist career highlight where on camera he produced a … Read more

Antarctic Ice and Three very scary words “We don’t know”

There are some things we do know. For example we know that if all the ice in the Antarctic melted then sea level will rise by about 200 feet (60 meters). So how far above sea level is your house? Actually no, you don’t need to personally worry about waking up tomorrow and finding a super-high … Read more

Hints that #DarkEnergy might not actually exist have emerged … or have they?

OK, let’s take this step by step What exactly is dark energy? Think of it as a placeholder. Something has been observed, and since there was nothing we knew about that could explain that observation, the term “Dark energy” emerged as an explanation. The observation made in the 1990s was that the expansion of the … Read more

Homeopathy – What does the evidence actually tell us?

When faced with claims that Homeopathy works, then you might perhaps reply by citing a scientific study that demonstrates that it does not. If whoever you are conversing with is a practising homeopath, then this is not unfamiliar territory, and they in turn will have a similar scientific study that will soon be plucked out and waved … Read more