What motivates ISIS to deploy Suicide Bombers?

Imagine you are walking down the street one day and as you do so you are accosted like this, how would you then feel … It started at about 11 this morning, I’m just walking down the street on some Important White Guy Business (going to have coffee with a friend or whatever), when this … Read more

Will Religion ever vanish?

OK, let’s cut to the chase and give you the answer up front … probably not in our immediate future, because humans are by nature naturally selected with many cognitive biases that make us like this. There is a really good article over at BBC Future by Rachel Nuwer that covers this question, and so I’m … Read more

Weird: “Westboro Baptist Church To Protest Fred Phelps’ Funeral, Says Daughter”

Claim: Westboro Baptist church plans to picket the funeral of their founder Fred Phelps Status: False … the Twitter account @MargieJPhelps once really did belong to the daughter of the Rev. Fred Phelps Sr., but no, the tweets were created by @Grampscramps as satire If you had previously seen the claim, then you  might indeed have been tempted … Read more

Request for legal protection of “Classical Electrodynamics”, a truly sacred book.

This is hilarious and is satire at its very best.  It first came out today and has been rapidly spreading through the Skeptical Echo Chamber  … PZ blogged it here …  Richard Dawkins has also Blogged it here (I think RD might be patient zero for this) … I also suspect many others will soon … Read more