Why do Trump Cult members ignore facts? – #resist

What is rather astonishing is the observation that Trump can more or less do anything without in any way disrupting the support he enjoys amongst his devoted followers. Let’s play a small thought experiment. Let’s suppose that he was caught boasting on tape about committing sexual assault upon women … oh wait, that has happened, and … Read more

Is it possible to break away and escape from Quiverfull?

OK, for those that do not know, let’s ask this – “What the heck is Quiverfull?”. Well, basically it is a specific religious fundamentalist belief that women should be churning out as many babies as possible because that is what they believe god wants, so birth control or any kind of family planning is very … Read more

The trauma involved in leaving a cult

Chartered Psychologist Jill Mytton has been speaking at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Counselling Psychology in Cardiff about children who grow up in religious cults. Her observation is that they face considerable difficulties, not only during their childhood, but also after leaving the group. She explains … “Second-generation adult survivors of high-demand … Read more

Church sues ex-members – They had a blog criticizing their practices

Today’s bit of religious insanity comes from a church pastor in Beaverton, Oregon. He is suing a mother and daughter for $500,000 because they gave the church — Beaverton Grace Bible Church — bad reviews online. Yikes!! Apparently the ex-members wrote negative Google reviews on-line, but they mysteriously vanished. One might wonder if God was … Read more

Child Victims of a Faith healing Cult

Belief in faith healing is fairly common, but for most mainstream believers, prayer is generally an addition to proper medical care, not an alternative. Sadly there are some to do indeed view faith healing as the only viable approach to illness and decline all medical care. One such example is a group who call themselves the “Followers of Christ” and are based in Oregon City.

A basic human right is freedom of thought. In essence, folks can believe whatever they wish, so best of luck to them in all such endeavors. Well OK, perhaps we can ourselves exercise another freedom, that of speech, and mock such silly beliefs, however beyond all this is a far deeper concern here – what about their kids?

They don’t get to choose, but instead have this nonsense inflicted upon them, sometimes with dire consequences.

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