Is this my Halloween special of Wingnut weekly?
Halloween is our traditional “Fright Night”. It is a time when Demons and Ghosts roam the land … well not really. We all know it is all a bit of harmless fun. Should I spruce things up for this posting to include devils, goblins, and demons?
I’ve no real need to do that. Each and every week those that have given themselves over to the father of lies, and happily bow down and worship the liar-in-chief, continue to spew utter nonsense. For these folks it is Halloween every week.
We have real demons to content with. These are not the supernatural kind, but instead humans who crave power to such a degree that tolerance, decency, truth, influence, and integrity have been happily sacrificed without pause.
What have they been shouting about this past week?
Let’s take a look.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here is this week’s selection of gems that has been mined from the stream of befuddled right-wing / religious proclamations …
The Cult of Trump …
- White House Staffer Reportedly Calls for ‘Esther Fast’ For Trump
- Brenden Dilley: ‘You Better Start Developing a Stomach for Death’ … “Brenden Dilley told his audience that they had “better start developing a stomach for death” because President Donald Trump will soon start executing his political enemies en masse in order to save the nation.“
- Dilley is a fundamentally amoral right-wing broadcaster who openly brags about creating and spreading lies
- Anne Graham Lotz: God Orchestrated Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria to Set Up the Last Days
- She is basically saying that his Syria decision has unleashed an apocalypse and she is just fine with that.
Folks who claim to see Supernatural Demons everywhere …
- ‘Satan Hates This Man’: Perry Stone Says Trump’s Critics ‘Have Demons in Them’ … “They have demons in them. You can look at their eyes when they almost start foaming at the mouth“
- Whenever faced with nutter like this guy, most normal folks get that look in their eye.
Impeachment …
- Virginia Elections Take a Spooky Turn With Accusations of ‘Impeachment Witch Hunt’
- Trump’s Evangelical Boosters Rally Around Him as Impeachment Moves Forward
The Revenge Porn saga …
- RedState, Part of ‘Christian Content’ Salem Media, Publishes Revenge Porn
- RedState Editor Who Published Revenge Porn of Congresswoman Has Ties to Political Opponent
Climate Change is a Myth …
- David Barton: ‘What Is It We Think We Are Going to do to Damage the Planet?’ …
- It will come as no surprise to learn that Barton appears to be grossly misrepresenting a NASA stat. This Christian pseudo-historian is doing what he does best: spreading lies based on his own ignorance.
War on halloween …
- Witchcraft Panic Fuels Trump Allies’ War on Halloween … “Charisma has repeatedly pitched “Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween,”
- Well yes, not a surprise. These are the folks who can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
The Hilary Clinton fan club …
- Chris McDonald: Hillary Clinton ‘Has Made a Covenant With the Evil One’
- I really don’t think she has made a covenant with Trump.
- Josh Bernstein says that Hillary Clinton deserves “250 years in prison or the death penalty possibly for what she has done to this country.”
The Democratic Party Fan Club …
- Mychal Massie declares that … “white, liberal Democrats are the most jaundiced, sociopathic, transcendentally dishonest life forms on earth. They are an infectious variola that has metamorphosed into bipedal sapiens comprising the Democratic Party to its very core.”
- Not a fan then.
- Chris McDonald claims that Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff traveled to Syria recently to meet with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an attempt to warn him of the impending U.S. raid.
The Largest most Privileged demographic in the US cry “persecution”…
- Bert Farias warns that … “persecution of the church is coming and is already here. The spirit of antichrist and atheism is gaining momentum in our nation. The warning signs are in plain view for all churches and ministries to see. If it can happen in other nations it can happen here. America is not exempt. Could some within our shores soon be imprisoned or even killed for their faith?”
- You know that all Bert really wants is to simply whip up a bit of fear to increase donations.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- Clark County (WA) GOP Elects Convicted Child Predator to Leadership Role
- … and then having been exposed … Convicted Child Predator Resigns from Leadership Role in Clark County (WA) GOP
- Pastor Rick Joyner: Everything in the Constitution Comes from the Bible
- Clearly, this guy hasn’t read the Constitution or the Bible.
- Straight Counselor Fired from Catholic School for Defending Fired Gay Co-Workers
- Kanye West: I Got a $68 Million Tax Refund Because I’m “In Service To Christ”
- Being wealthy is what did it … no supernatural intervention required.
- Alleged Sexual Assault Victim Escapes After Severing Penis of Christian Minister
- Pastor Slaton has a history of sexual offenses and violent episodes.
- Christian Hate Group Will Appeal Ruling Saying It Can Be Called a “Hate Group”
- Christian Group Slams Website Clarifying Churches’ Beliefs About Homosexuality
- This conservative legal group has a big problem with honesty and transparency. Is anyone surprised?
- 1,300 Catholics Ask Pope to Look Into Church After Ohio Priest Charged With Rape
- Bill Donohue: Episcopal Priests Can’t Criticize Communion-Denying Catholics
- Bill Donohue, who butts into everyone’s business, says non-Catholic religious leaders shouldn’t criticize Catholic priests.
- Man Who Worships Trump Loses $1 Billion Religious Rights Lawsuit Against Twitter
- Trump Admin Will Let Taxpayer-Funded Adoption Agencies Reject LGBTQ Parents
Witches and Demons are real and are nothing to joke about they can harm you!
What leads you to believe that witches and demons are real?