Once again the religion of “Peace” strikes – the news is that Washiqur Rahman, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi blogger, was intercepted outside his home and hacked to death by three fanatical Islamists who are offended by his writings.
The Washington Post reports …
Police arrested two men in Rahman’s killing; a third suspected accomplice escaped. Bangladeshi media reports identify the arrested as two 22-year-old students at madrassas, or seminaries. A police statement detailed the supposed confession of the suspects, who reportedly admitted to killing Rahman “for his writings against Islam.”

Washiqur Rahman – His own words
The IHEU have translated some of Washiqur Rahman’s recent writings from 26th March …
Today is Bangladesh’s liberation day
The Mullah has freedom, extremists have freedom, Muslims have freedom, the corrupt have freedom, political leaders have freedom, adulates of the political leaders have freedom, rapists are free, the armed forces are free, so-called civil society is free, intellectuals who support Islamists, they also have freedom, religious leaders have freedom, the garment factory owners have freedom, the ferry owners have freedom.
Not free: the farmers and labours
Not free: indigenous people and minorities
Not free: Freethinkers
Not free: All the people who just want to be human…
The IHEU also adds this note …
Known on Facebook as Washiqur Babu, Rahman also blogged at Shocholayoton and posted at an online message board called Logical Forum. Washiqur Rahman is also a pseudonym and we’re not using his full given name on advice.
His murderers have declared …
he was an anti-Islamic. It’s a faithful duty to kill him. And for fulfilling that faithful duty, we have killed Washikur.
To those that might claim that this is not Islam, I’m afraid you are quite wrong about that, this is very much the Islamic way. Mohammed himself, the founder of Islam, not only supported, but personally ordered numerous assassinations and brutal murders of people who were critical of him.
List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad
The above link takes you to a list that is fully supported by original Islamic sources that verify it all. It is a very very long list.
When the only rebuttal to criticism you have is intolerance, violence, and brutal murder, then it is a clear decisive message that you are truly terrified of that criticism, and that your message is one that is openly and knowingly deceitful and will not withstand that criticism.