Weird claims: “Obama Is a Muslim”

We do all know that it is perhaps part of the human condition for many wacky ideas to float about, but sometimes even that knowledge does not insulate you from being surprised when something truly bizarre pops it. Perhaps the degree of surprise is in some respects source driven. Conservapedia is a well-known bastion of absurd nonsense and … Read more

Shock announcement from credible source – NASA has discovered alien DNA

While surfing Facebook the other day, a posting that caught my eye was entitled … Marijuana Contains “Alien DNA” From Outside Of Our Solar System, NASA Confirms My immediate thought was “That’s Bullshit”. If it had been via or some other similar dubious source then I would have simply rolled my eyes and moved on, but since this was … Read more

Myth or Fact? – Christians being tossed to the Lions

So the following popped up in my Facebook feed this morning, and it surprised me. OK, so let’s dig into this and see if we can work out what is really true. The Colosseum If you narrow the claim down to just the Colosseum, which is also referred to as the Flavian Amphitheatre, then it is true … Read more