Is there any logical room for an Omnipotent God?

The word Omnipotent is a rather large word that can befuddle normal human beings, what they heck does it actually mean? Well it basically comes from smacking two Latin words together, Omni and Potens, or “All Power”, and is used to describe a supernatural entity that has unlimited power and can do anything … and … Read more

Is the Qur’an the final and perfect testament?

I’ve received a long comment within a previous posting on this blog from a FB friend who has posted his reasons for believing that the Qur’an is the final and perfect testament. Since he also kindly followed up with a personal note asking if I would respond, I thought “OK, why not”. So now I … Read more

Will the real Jesus please stand up …

If you went back a few years and asked for my thoughts on who Jesus was, then, as a believer, I would have claimed that he was the son of God. As proof, I would have pointed to the four Gospels in the New Testament and explained that they are four independent biography’s written by … Read more

Faith vs Facts

Science is well understood and is all about an evidence based approach; gather data, form a hypothesis and then test it. The results will confirm or invalidate the hypothesis, and so over time as you repeat this loop your understanding grows and is refined, but of course you already know all this. Religion on the … Read more

Islam – Arrests and puts of trial two men for eating lunch!!!

Just to illustrate how crazy and totally insane some belief systems can be, we have the case of Hocine Hocini and Salem Fellak who were arrested last august. The hideous crime they are accused of is simply eating lunch on the building site where they worked in Kabylie, northern Algeria … and thats it, nothing … Read more

Anti Islamic statements …freedom of speech or a hate crime?

The Dutch Anti-Islamic politician,  Geert Wilders, is currently on trial, which should prove to be rather interesting, because he is also playing a decisive role in the formation of a new Dutch government. “The freedom of speech of at least 1.5 million people is on trial with me,” Wilders said on a social media site, … Read more