The #BREXIT Delusion

This is a topic that might indeed cause many eyes to glaze over, and so perhaps that especially applies to those that do not live in the UK. Since I do, then it is time for me to chip in with my 2c worth on #Brexit, and I guess my title gives a subtle clue regarding my … Read more

Debunking the Clinton Armani Jacket Controversy

The political arena is one that perhaps does require a rather thick skin, and anybody who steps in will be on the receiving end of rather a lot of flack. However, sometimes stuff pops up that is way beyond the norm. One recent example that surprised me a bit was one bit of criticism deployed against … Read more

TIL: About Claudette Colvin

If you are wondering what TIL within the title means, well that is an abbreviation for “Today I Learned”. Let me throw a scenario out to you. Cast your mind back to bus journey in 1955 Montgomery, Alabama where the way things worked then was as follows; As white people boarded, they took their seats in … Read more

Conservative congressional candidate shares screenshot, forgets to close porn windows

This is quite frankly hilarious … Mike Webb, a conservative candidate for the United States Congress, believes in full accountability, and so he tries to engage directly himself with the public. So far it is not going too well for him, because while attempting to share a screenshot on Facebook in order to win some daft argument regarding finding … Read more

Lies, Dammed Lies, and Republican Politics – #crookedhillary claim debunked

So I’ve been seeing postings such as the following popping up, and if this was in any way factual then there would indeed be questions to be answered. One ever so small tiny flaw is that it is not in any way factual. OK, that is not actually such a small problem, but is actually quite large, … Read more

Ted Cruz is ‘Lucifer in the flesh’, says former speaker John Boehner

Currently the leading Republican candidate is Trump, but the race for nomination is not over yet, he has a rival – Ted Cruz. Now knowing what you know about Trump, specifically the racism, intolerance, misogyney, and outright utter lunacy that he spouts, then you might indeed be tempted to think that many Republicans would be … Read more