A truly scary halloween story

Over at the University of Wisconsin–Madison a graveyard has appeared, as it has for the past few years, that is dedicated to gods that have fallen out of favour and so are now dead and gone, not that there were ever here except in the minds of their followers. There are plenty to choose from, I’m sure … Read more

Duck Dynasty star quacks out more nonsense

Si Robertson, one of the stars of the US Duck Dynasty show has rock solid proof that atheists do not actually exist at all. The context within which this claim emerges is that there is a new movie being promoted, “Faith of Our fathers”, and while being interviewed (see clip below) at 02:45 he proceeds to explain … Read more

Graveyard of the Gods

Somebody has gone to the trouble of creating a completely fake graveyard, and if you are wondering why, well perhaps there is a hint in the date – 31st Oct. OK, so the story here is that this is of course a Halloween event, but one that is not simply designed to entertain, it actually … Read more