New Statistics: the religious make-up of America

The Washington Post has published a rather detailed breakdown of religion in the US … alas statistics, so yes it can indeed be potentially quite dull stuff, I’ll skip a lot of details and cut to the chase of what it is of interest – non-belief is rapidly increasing. (There, that’s it, so you can skip … Read more

Understanding the concept of “Man making God”

dprjones has another great YouTube clip. As an aside, I highly recommend his YouTube channel, he has lots of great stuff … and no, he has not paid me to plug it, I do not personally know him. OK, so the specific set of clips I’m highlighting today revolves around a book by Andy Thomson. … Read more

Claim: Religion is a force for good

In today’s UK Guardian, we have an insanely silly article by Joseph Harker. Now please do not misunderstand me, this is not an attack upon Mr Harker, but is instead criticism of the quite popular and completely mythological view that religion acts as a force for good. I remain confident that Mr Harker is indeed … Read more

Debate: The World Would Be Better Off Without Religion

There was a debate at NYU’s Skirball Center that was part of the Intelligence Squared debate series, “Resolved: The World Would Be Better Off Without Religion”. Supporting the atheist side were Matthew Chapman and A.C. Grayling, while Dinesh D’Souza and David Wolpe were arguing on behalf of religion. You can read the NYT’s recap or … Read more

church of file-copying!!! – Somebody is pushing the boat out on this one

A bunch of folks in Sweden have attempted to set up a “file copying” church. The basis for this is their observation that the swedish Constitution Act, Chapter 2. § 1 states that every citizen is guaranteed freedom of religion: freedom, either alone or with others to practice their religion. Their website (or at least the english language version of it) claims …

A religion is a belief system with rituals.
The missionary kopimistsamfundet is a religious group centered in Sweden who believe that copying and the sharing of information is the best and most beautiful that is. To have your information copied is a token of appreciation, that someone think you have done something good.

* All knowledge to all
* The search for knowledge is sacred
* The circulation of knowledge is sacred
* The act of copying is sacred.

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