Ensaf Haidar, wife of Raif Badawi has a petition for you to sign – #FreeRaif

Ensaf Haidar, wife of Raif Badawi above, has a petition for you to sign … His hands and feet in shackles, his face contorted with pain, for everyone to see. It’s unbearable to think this is how they publicly flogged my husband, 50 times over. Now I hear he could even be executed — but you can … Read more

Raif Badawi now faced with a death sentence – #FreeRaif – Prisoner of Conscience

Raif Badawi, the Saudi blogger jailed and sentenced to 1000 lashes for simply running a website that called for the peaceful discussion of religion and religious issue, now faces a potential death sentence. The UK’s Independent reports … Mr Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, told The Independent in a series of messages that judges in Saudi Arabia’s criminal court … Read more

Please help Raif Badawi – #FreeRaif – Prisoner of Conscience

Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi continues to face 950 lashes and a decade in prison – simply for calling for free speech. The UK government has so far failed to call for Raif’s freedom, despite knowing of and speaking on his case – alongside a visit to Saudi Arabia by the Prime Minister. Ask our … Read more

The slow Torture of Raif Badawi by Saudi Arabia – #RaifBadawi

Saudi Arabia is in the news, and it is rather important to keep it there and ensure that the spotlight remains, not because of the passing of the baton of power (at the age of 90 King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz died yesterday), but rather due to them being a state that is, and has been for a … Read more

Saudi Arabia human rights violations get even worse

Not too long ago I blogged about the utterly absurd case of Raif Badawi, who was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes for the (from the viewpoint of the Saudi authorities) hideous crime of starting a progressive website. The latest update is that things are getting even worse, you would not think it possible, but … Read more

Saudi Atheist Facing 10 Years in Jail and 1,000 Lashes for Blasphemy Receives Prize from Reporters Without Borders

A very brave Saudi Arabian blogger, Raif Badawi (pictured above), was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes for the (from the viewpoint of the Saudi authorities) hideous crime of starting a progressive website. It contained ideas that truly frightened and terrified them, for example religious tolerance and women’s rights, and so they came down hard on … Read more