Spring is in the air, it is getting warmer – #Climate

Sometimes a few pictures is a more powerful statement than many pages of words.

The UK’s Guardian has a callout here for readers to send in pictures of any early signs of spring in the UK. What came back was published a few days ago last Tuesday (13th Feb) …

‘A first in my 60 years’: readers spot early signs of spring

Readers around the UK have been getting in touch after noticing blooming and blossoming ahead of time

Here is a small selection of the pictures, and as you look, remember that it is still the middle of February …

“Iris in January?”
Crocuses on 2 February 2018. Photograph: PaulAtLunch/GuardianWitness
Flowers at the beginning of February on the Isle of Wight. Photograph: Sylvia Clare/GuardianWitness
Normally seen from about March … Red Admiral butterfly on 30 January. Photograph: John Harris/GuardianWitness
Narcissus in Guernsey in November. Photograph: Amy Greenwood/GuardianWitness

A second different set of pictures

Now let’s rapidly shift to a distinctly different set of pictures to explain why signs of spring have been popping up earlier. This time it is a series of charts, the Keeling curve no less, that illustrates the amount of CO2 within our atmosphere …

Since the 1960’s …

Scale back and here are the numbers since 1700 …

Zoom back even further and here is the past 10,000 years …

Step right back to the very limits of the ice core data and here it is in the context of the past 800,000 years …

While it is nice to see signs of spring popping up, the fact that it is happening this early is just one more symptom of a rather more important message. That message is essentially this …

The business as usual scenario is one in which we are basically F**ked.

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