Climate change is already disrupting lives


Today I’d like to point you towards a Washington Post article by Zoeann Murphy and Chris Mooney that directly addresses climate change in a truly exceptional way.

Because of this, today’s posting is not my normal type of article. This is because the WashPo has done something that is quite different and noteworthy, it is a multimedia experience focused on the most challenging issue our species will ever encounter – climate change.

First, let’s start with a link to the article.

GONE IN A GENERATION – Across America, climate change is already disrupting lives – By Zoeann Murphy and Chris Mooney.

To truly experience it you should turn your sound on (or plug your headphones in)

What is it about?

It is not just focused upon one specific aspect. Instead, it contains a series of videos, graphics and associated text that cover four distinct topics all under the banner of how Climate Change is here today and is already impacting us.

Below is a listing of the four distinct themes contained within the article …

  • FORESTS – Devastated forests in Montana.
  • FLOODS – A flooded home in North Carolina.
  • FIRES – Horrific blazes in California.
  • FISHERIES – Lobster fishing upended on the East Coast.

Within each of the above you learn how there has been disruption in the present, and also how the way one generation lived – in the form of homes, pastimes, livelihoods — may not be possible for the next one.

Together is forms a truly powerful set of narratives that are very compelling

Who Created This Climate Multimedia article?

The videos were created by @ZoeannMurphy. @chriscmooney supported with reporting and text.

Beyond them there was also a bigger team, for example the incredible graphics work from @Timmeko and @tierneyl

Author Tweets

Further Reading and Resources

Enumerated below is a list of related stories from the Washington Post (yea I know, I sound like a Was Post ad, but I’m really not being paid to promote them, I have no connection or financial interest here)

Below are the sources for the factual information contained within their primary article. You don’t need to simply trust them, you can go check out the facts yourself.

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