The emergence of the Coronavirus has been on all our minds, and so it is no surprise to find the topic has gained some traction within the Wingnut community during the past week.
What exactly have they been claiming?
Let’s take a look to see what popped up.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here for your enjoyment is this week’s selection of actual wingnut gems. It has all been mined from a stream of befuddled right-wing extremism blended with religious literalism …
Trump “Insights” ..
This is all perhaps well-known, but for completeness let’s open with a example of the daft stuff that he has been claiming. Via CNN ...
… In a phoner with Hannity on Wednesday night, Trump reacted to the World Health Organization’s data-driven assessment of the global death rate for the novel coronavirus — 3.4% — by saying “I think the 3.4% is really a false number.”…
…Trump continued by discarding his own administration’s advice to stay home if you’re feeling sick: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better, and then when you do have a death, like you’ve had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, I believe you had one in New York.” No deaths have been reported in New York….
…Trump went on to reiterate his ignorance about the seasonal flu….
Yep, the usual wall-to-wall BS. The inevitable result is that many of his cult devotees quickly fall in line and do not now acknowledge the imminent threat that we all face.
Wingnut Coronavirus claims
- Jonathan Shuttlesworth: ‘America Will Be Minimally Affected’ by the Coronavirus Because of Trump’s Support for Israel … ” Trump honors Israel, and it’s a massive difference. And because of that, I predict America will be minimally affected by coronavirus,” Shuttlesworth continued“
- The Coronavirus will not be checking your political beliefs, it really is better to just wash you hands.
- Cindy Jacobs says she received word from God to call for a global day of prayer to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
- Pat Robertson claims that as long as you have a “healthy gut,” you won’t get sick from the coronavirus.
- Scott Lively warns that people will be intentionally infected with the coronavirus in an effort to damage the economy and prevent President Donald Trump from being reelected.
- Larry Klayman announced that he intends to file a class-action lawsuit against China over the coronavirus.
- Jim Bakker is now airing clips from Alex Jones in an attempt to provide his audience with “the truth” about what is really going on with the coronavirus outbreak.
- Jonathan Shuttlesworth assures those who support his ministry that they will be protected from the coronavirus.
- Cliff Kincaid says that “one cannot dismiss the possibility that the rapidly-spreading coronavirus is China’s revenge on America for President Trump’s trade war.”
- Cindy Jacobs (who gets a mention in item 1 above) also proclaimed that the coronavirus is “illegal” and has ordered it to “cease worldwide.”
- Jerry Newcombe insists that it’s absurd to accuse Vice President Mike Pence of being anti-science because “Christians invented modern science.”
Conspiracy claims …
All the other usual stuff was also popping up as well …
- Attorney General William Barr Claims U.S. Threatened by Secularists and ‘Totalitarian’ Progressives …
- What is truly mind-blowing is that the AG has gone into full-conspiracy-nut mode
- Rick Wiles: If Trump Wins, Democrats Intend to ‘Hunt Down and Shoot Conservative American Citizens’
- The little flaw in his claim is that it is not the Democrats that are funded by the gun lobby or in love with guns.
- Mark Taylor suspects that the people who control the weather blasted Nashville with tornadoes on Monday night in order to damage Bernie Sanders.
- Hank Kunneman thinks that the tornadoes that struck Tennessee Monday night were a satanic attack to stop the state from passing anti-choice “heartbeat bill” legislation.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- AOC Humiliates Ted Cruz in Twitter Battle: “You Don’t Even Believe in Evolution”
- It’s ironic that Sen. Ted Cruz hates socialism since he loves being publicly owned.
- New Jersey Catholic Church Denies Child First Communion Because He’s Autistic
- Here’s a Picture of Mike Pence’s Team Attempting to Pray Away Coronavirus
- This is what happens when you elect Republicans.
- Christian Minister: God Showed Me “the End of the Coronavirus”
- Considering the pandemic has barely begun, this seems like a stretch.
- Ohio Pastor Charged With Running Sex Trafficking Ring Using Underage Girls
- Never give unearned trust to a religious leader.
- Convicted Felon Roger Stone: “I’ve Taken Jesus Christ As My Personal Savior”
- The soon-to-be-jailed Trump associate is already pitching himself as a reformed Christian.
- A Wisconsin Woman Told a Dead Possum on the Road That It Needed to “Repent”
- I can’t believe this didn’t happen in Florida.
- Christian Blogger Ridiculed for Saying Men Can’t Be Attracted to Female Cops
- Pat Robertson to Teen Afraid of Lightning: Who Cares? You’ll “Be With Jesus”
- Preacher: I Shared Jesus With This Kangaroo and It Was “Slain in the Spirit”
- Catholic Churches Are Removing Holy Water Out of Fear of Spreading Coronavirus
- Holy water is no match, apparently, for a virus.
- Damning Report Shows How the Catholic Church Dumped Predator Priests in Mexico
- Right-Wing Pastor: God Sent Us Coronavirus Because of Homosexuality
- Alabama Christian Lobby Argues Classroom Yoga Would Violate Establishment Clause
- Stretching is not an endorsement of Hinduism.
- Youth Pastor Who Impregnated Teen Now Charged With Hiring Hitman
- Can someone remind me which Bible verse justifies this?
Fraudster of the week – The Jim Bakker Update

From the category labeled “Who would Jesus fleece?”, we have an update on Televangelist Jim Bakker. This is the guy who is selling a silver solution that he claims can kill the coronavirus within 12 hours.
Fraudulent medical cures are neither legal nor ethical. His snake-oil scam attracted the attention of the NY Attorney General. They sent his this letter…
Dear Mr. Bakker:
The New York State Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) is extremely concerned by certain statements made during the February 12, 2020 screening of The Jim Bakker Show. During this screening, you asked your guest Sherrill Sellman if the Silver Solution sold on the show’s website would be effective against the coronavirus, to which Ms. Sherman responded: “Let‘s say it hasn’t been tested on this strain of the coronavirus, but it’s been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours.” New York residents can view your show on the internet and local television, and your show’s website sells Silver Solution products to New York residents.
The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV) poses serious consequences to public health, and consumers are concerned as to how they can best protect themselves and their families. Your show’s segment may mislead consumers as to the effectiveness of the Silver Solution product in protecting against the current outbreak. The World Health Organization (“WHO”) has noted that there is no specific medicine to prevent or treat this disease. Therefore, any representation on the Jim Bakker Show that its Silver Solution products are effective at combatting an/or treating the 2019 novel coronavirus violates New York law.
Your show is hereby advised to immediately cease and desist from making misleading claims regarding the Silver Solution’s effectiveness as they violate New York’s consumer protection statutes, Executive Law § 63(12) and General Business Law Article 22-A §§ 349 and 350, which prohibit fraudulent and deceptive business practices and false advertising.
Additionally, you are advised to immediately affix the disclaimer – “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” – to all Silver Solution products listed on the show’s online store.
Within the next ten business days, please contact the undersigned to confirm that the Jim Bakker Show has so complied. Your failure to comply with this directive may result in further action by this office. Please be advised that the Office of the Attorney General is authorized pursuant to Executive Law § 63(12) and General Business Law Article 22-A to bring suit to enjoin any deceptive acts and practices, and to seek restitution, damages, and penalties of up to $5,000 per violation (§ 35O-d).
Lisa Landau
Chief, Health Care Bureau
It will perhaps not surprise you to learn that Mr Bakker has previously spent quite a bit of time in jail for fraud. In other words, calling him a fraudster is not an opinion or a slur, but rather is a well-established legal fact.