“That’s right. In the middle of a global pandemic, our president is trying to deny millions of Americans access to health care. Nice.“
There are specific attributes that are generally valued. Included within that list are traits such as honesty, integrity, decency, respect, tolerance, and empathy. You can of course think of more. What is apparently lacking within the wingnut community is much of this.
The objection to the wingnut brigade is not an objection to beliefs that are not true. We can all respect and happily be at peace with communities such as the Amish. They might indeed be rather extreme, dress as if it was the 1700s, avoid the use of machines such as cars, and keep themselves generally apart from the modern world. What is starkly different when compared to political/religious wingnuts is that they don’t attempt to force their beliefs upon everybody else and insist that we must all adhere to such thinking.
That’s basically the issue. Believing absurd ideas is generally not a problem for others. However, if you attempt to force all to adhere, then you have crossed the line. What they might not grasp is that it opens a door; their public proclamation announces that it is open season for both criticism and mockery of the daft beliefs they wish to impose.
Let’s take a look at what has been happening this past week amongst the wingnut community so that we can laugh at the utter absurdity of it all.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
It is all very much everything you might expect and a lot more. Here are some of the highlights …
The Cult Of Trump
- Ralph Reed Says Christians Have Been ‘Vindicated’ In Supporting Trump
- ‘Vindicated’ is not exactly the word that comes to mind when we think of those that support the pussy-grabber-in-chief
- Curt Landry Claims Trump Wanted Him to Anoint Mar-a-Lago With Oil in 2018
- Magic oil is just like magic beans, it does not work. I’d also bet good money Trump has no clue what “anointing” means.
- Family Research Council Urges Conservative Christians to Support Trump, Save Republic
- If they really wanted to save the Republic then they would not be supporting Trump
- Hank Kunneman Begs God to ‘Burn Every Satanic Scheme’ That Seeks to Defeat Trump in 2020
- Hank Kunneman is also angry when lies are told about Trump, but when Trump lies that’s not a problem at all.
- Sid Roth says that President Donald Trump is “a miracle” and “the greatest proof that there is a God in Heaven.”
- Sid’s God is rather inept for picking an idiot like Trump
- Josh Bernstein says the “scumbags” at Black Lives Matter are … “Marxist, Black, revolutionary communist pieces of garbage, and they should all be absolutely destroyed.”
- I’m guessing that Josh is not a BLM fan.
- Star Parker says that Black Lives Matter was founded by .. “a bunch of angry lesbian women who have decided to use ethnicity to divide this country so that they can purge out what they call patriotic hierarchies.”
- I suspect she meant “patriarchal” hierarchies.
The Wrath of a God
- Michele Bachmann Blames Trump Administration Middle East Peace Plan for COVID-19, Civil Unrest … “she said that the current COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide unrest sparked by the police killing of George Floyd is God punishing the United States for the Middle East peace plan that the Trump administration unveiled“
- That’s not how cause and effect work.
- Rick Wiles Is Taking His Ministry ‘Deep Underground’ by the End of July Because ‘America’s Judgment Is Near’ … “Within weeks, sometime in the month of July, we’re shutting off the public stream. We’re going dark as far as the public is concerned in the month of July“
- Not broadcasting his bile to the rest of us sounds just fine to me.
Some folks are quite determined to self-identify as idiots …
- Scott Lively Would Rather Be Beheaded Than Forced by the Government to Wear a Mask
- Mike Heath fumes that wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 means that “Americans have sunk lower than beasts.”
- Errol Webber, a Republican running to represent California’s 37th District in the U.S. House, isn’t a fan of wearing masks to lessen the spread of COVID-19: “Wearing a mask 4 months into a virus is like wearing a condom to a baby shower.”
- Josh Bernstein thinks that Trump should never been seen wearing a mask because doing so signals that we are “a submissive, subservient nation” and “shows weakness on a global scale.“
- GOP Strategist Dismisses COVID Masks as a “Secular Religious Symbol”
- If our supposed religion requires caring for other human beings, what does his do?
Fraudulent Claims
- Benny Johnson Falsely Claims That Gun-Toting Couple Were Democrats
- They were indeed Trump supporters. The gun-toting McCloskey in Missouri is recorded donating $2,700 toward the Trump campaign and allied Republican causes during the 2016 election cycle
Truly Bizarre
- Liberty Counsel warns that … “the DNA of murdered children will be injected into the bloodstream of anyone who takes those tainted [COVID-19] vaccines.”
- Jerome Corsi warns that if Joe Biden is elected president, calling the fire department will result in antifa activists showing up to abuse your family, ransack your house, and burn it to the ground.
- Samuel Rodriguez Says Democrats Are ‘Hostile to Our Christian Worldview in Every Sense of the Word’
- Meanwhile back in our reality, the majority of Democrats actually identify with some variation of Christianity
- Dave Daubenmire is plotting to start a local chapter of Black Lives Matter, so he can use it as cover to protest Planned Parenthood.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land last week?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is good, some sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- The U.S. Catholic Church Spent $281,611,817 on Child Sex Abuse Cases in 2019
- Now you know where the weekly donations are going
- Christian Blogger Arrested on Charges of Attempted Rape of 11-Year-Old Victim
- Ken Raetz described himself as a “man striving to know God’s heart.” His God must be truly awful
- Christian Apologist: God’s Calls for Genocide Were Just “Figures of Speech”
- This guy literally compares God’s cruelty to someone saying “the Lakers killed the Pistons.”
- During In-Person Service, Louisiana Pastor Shames Church Members Who Stayed Home
- He called them out BY NAME!
- A Megachurch Let the Pastor’s Son Work With Kids Despite His “Attraction to Minors”
- Menlo Church never told the public that the potential predator was Pastor John Ortberg’s son.
- Mississippi Church Ousts Pastor For Taking a Stand Against Racism
- Once again, a church failed a simple moral test.
- Former Liberty U. Staffer Opens Up About Being Queer on an Anti-Gay Campus
- Why belong to an organization that openly demonizes who you are?
- An Idaho Church Held an In-Person, Indoor, Maskless Service for 1,000 People
- What were they thinking?!
- Christian Pastor and Wife Plead Guilty in Convenience Store Embezzling Scheme
- Someone at Wildwood Baptist Church needs to double check where all those tithes went…
- Catholic Priest Suspended for Comparing Black Lives Matter Leaders to “Maggots”
- Wedding Photographer Sues For “Artistic Freedom” to Deny Service to Gay Couples
- Some people fight racism. This guy fights to discriminate and be an obnoxious twit
- Baptist Preacher Allegedly Shot and Killed Two People With Daughter By His Side
- So much for Thou Shalt Not Kill.
- Tony Perkins: LGBTQ People Are Ruining Independence Day By Having Rights
- Nothing upsets this Christian leader more than civil rights.
- Donald Trump Proposes “National Garden” With Statue of Evangelist Billy Graham
- This is another Hail Mary pitch to win over white evangelical voters.
… and that’s a wrap for this week.
Will next week be different and result is no bizarre claims from the wingnuts?
Probably not.