“Trump’s Tulsa crowd size didn’t live up to expectations. Maybe the pandemic hoax kept his followers away.“
The big wingnut highlight one week ago was that prior to the Tulsa rally, Trump seriously believed that over 1 million people had registered to attend. He openly boasted about this on twitter ….
We all now know what happened. In reality only about 6,000 turned up, and so the 19,000 seat arena was mostly empty.
Let’s take a look at what else has been happening this past week amongst the wingnut community..
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
No change here. It is still all very much everything you might expect and a lot more. Here are some of the highlights …
The Cult Of Trump
- Trump Fans Cheer President’s Ability to Drink Water, Demand Four More Years … “a small handful of pro-Trump sycophants expressed joy at the president’s ability to take a sip from a glass of water.“
- Alveda King Gushes Over Trump on Policing, Says ‘America Can Dream Again’
- The real American “dream” is that he will cease to be president next Nov on election day
- Wayne Allyn Root claims that President Donald Trump is saving America from experiencing its own version of the Holocaust: “I have studied the beginnings of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And I can clearly see parallels with what is happening in America today. Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path.”
- When these folks claim “I have studied” that usually means that they spent a few minutes googling it and found a whacky site that panders to their beliefs.
- Brenden Dilley knows that we haven’t all been lucky enough to be born into the Trump family, but he says we can all be part of the Trump family business of saving America by attending rallies, which are like giant Trump family barbecues.
- “Luck” is not the word that comes to mind when faced with the idea of being part of the dysfunctional Trump family.
- Paula White Says Faith Advisers Have Urged Trump Not to Talk About His Deep Faith
- … because the only real “faith” he actually has is in himself.
- DeAnna Lorraine thinks that President Donald Trump is “literally superhuman.”
- He is “literally” or even figuratively not.
Conspiracy Claims
- Conspiracy Theorist Cirsten Weldon Claims Trump Has Been Targeted for Assassination ‘Over 50’ Times and Will Be Targeted Again in July
- Cirsten is maintaining the conspiracy standard, his evidence is exactly zero.
- Trump Charges Obama With Treason in CBN Interview
- When Brody began asking Trump about what crime Obama may have committed, Trump cut him off, responding, “Treason. It’s treason.”.
- Scott Lively Uncorks Bizarre Conspiracy Theory About Bill Cosby, Ferguson Protests, and the ‘Homosexualization of Black Youth’
- Nothing about this conspiracy theory makes sense
- Curt Landry declares that “the Black Lives Matter movement has been hijacked by enemy forces with treasonous ideas to destroy this nation.”
- E.W. Jackson likewise denounces BLM as “a Marxist, socialist, communist, cultish mess” and called it “an abomination.”
- Brian Camenker says that BLM “learned their lessons from the Brownshirts.”
- Bill Mitchell declares that there is no point in protesting or in kneeling during the National Anthem or in supporting Black Lives Matter because such things are just “empty symbolism” that didn’t prevent George Floyd from being killed.
- Steve Deace Wants to See Trump ‘Hang Some Antifa Members’
- They are protesting because of guys like Steve.
- Eric Metaxas Says Black Lives Matter Is an ‘Evil Enemy’ Run by ‘Mad Marxist Anarchists’
- White guy clearly does not like the non-white folks disrupting his white privilege
Way beyond just Bizarre
- Scott Lively and Richard May Assert That Homosexuality Is a Much Worse Sin Than Slavery … “according to the Bible, homosexuality is a much graver sin than slavery“
- They are in fact correct. The bible does indeed condemn being gay and it is also a very pro-slavery text.
- Scott Lively says that former President Barack Obama “is the closest thing to the Antichrist that our country has ever seen.”
- Scott Lively has also claimed that the current occupant of the WH is God’s chosen man, a messiah. Nobody ever claimed that for Obama.
- Roseanne Barr has been reduced to appearing on Ann Vandersteel’s YouTube show to ramble about how President Donald Trump is going to declare a Jubilee year and free us all from “debt slavery.”
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land last week?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is good, some sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- Hate-Preacher Franklin Graham Slams Dr. Fauci for Saying “Science is Truth”
- The evangelist suggested science was a hoax because “man did not evolve from apes.”
- Church in New York Holds Another Gun Giveaway; the Mystique of the AR-15 Endures
- I thought Christians would want to give away a nail gun.
- Manitoba Churches Demand to Reopen, Saying COVID Precautions Were Overblown
- These Christians want to unflatten the curve.
- Insane Christian Group’s Newspaper Ad Says Nashville Will Be Bombed By “Islam”
- A newspaper spokesperson said the ad “should have never been published.”
- Joe Biden May Be Peeling Away Some White Evangelical Voters from Donald Trump
- Don’t get excited just yet… but this is a hopeful sign.
- An Arizona Church Hosting Trump Claims Its Machines Kill “99% of Coronavirus”
- This is a disaster waiting to happen at Dream City Church.
- Trump: Under a Liberal Supreme Court, Religion Will Be “Almost Wiped Out”
- Trump’s only campaign strategy is to make white evangelicals afraid.
- 28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids
- Jan Joosten will spend, at most, a year in prison.
- Baptist Leader: I’m Voting for Trump Because the “Alternative is… Unthinkable”
- Only in the bubble of right-wing Christianity are basic human decency and political moderation fatal flaws.
- Preacher Praises Jesus (Again) for Fixing His Backed-Up Toilet
- Oh come now, these quips just write themselves … this claim is full of crap.
- Scamvangelist Puts Up COVID Shield: “You Couldn’t Give Me That Flu if You Tried”
- Kenneth Copeland has been saying the virus is dead since early March.
- Christian “Revivalist”: Jesus Commands Us to “Raise the Dead”
- If this guy can bring people back to life, why is he not working in a hospital?
- Daughter of Christian Nationalist Urges MI Voters Not To Elect Him State Rep.
- Direct quote …”For the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep.”
- Catholics, Unaware of How Catholicism Works, Mad at Church for Firing Lesbian
- Why is anyone surprised by the firing of Terry Gonda?
- Christian Pastors: SCOTUS’ Trans Rights Ruling Will Invite God’s Wrath
- If civil rights angers your god, find a better religion.
- Robert Jeffress: Trump’s Bible Photo Op Challenged Democratic “Enemies of Faith”
- The pastor can’t stop bowing down to his Lord and Savior Donald Trump.
- A Jesuit School Told Graduates to Remove Masks to Sing; Now a Student Has COVID
- Belen Jesuit Preparatory School deceptively removed those remarks out of the video that’s currently on YouTube.
Wingnut of the week – Florida Christians
Last Tuesday, commissioners in Palm Beach County, Florida unanimously passed an ordinance required face masks in public spaces.
As a response, some people turned up to criticise the decision. What they proceeded to claim is completely and utterly bonkers.
Apparently wearing a mask will clog up “God’s wonderful breathing system” says one lady. She appears to think that masks will block oxygen from entering our bodies.
The next lady is even more unhinged. She claims that masks are killing people and that the commissioners will be arrested for obeying the devils laws.
The mask will indeed help protect against COVID-19, but it offers no protection against the other rampant pandemic – human stupidity.
As for COVID-19, it is rapidly seeing a huge spike in Florida. So much so, that anybody travelling from Florida to New York now faces being quarantined.
Bonus Items
Here are more clips produced by Writer/Comedian Sarah Cooper this past week …
OK, one more clip.
Just to be clear, this guy is not being serious, it is parody … and yet many Trump supporters thought it was real …