“Medical experts are all saying the same thing: avoid the family super spreader and host a “virtual” Thanksgiving this year. https://robrogers.com/2020/11/14/thanksgiving/…
#Coronavirus #Thanksgiving #SocialDistancing“
We are awash with rather a lot of idiots embracing utterly absurd conspiracy claims as “truth”, and so we have a rampant pandemic rapidly spiralling out of control.
What can we do?
Fun thought experiment.
- Start a rumour that the vaccine is going to be deployed via aircraft spraying it over cities
- Whisper via the alt-right networks that you can resist this by wearing a mask
- Sit back and watch the fun as the idiots try to work out what to do
What daft claims have popped up this past week?
Let’s take a look at some of the truly jaw dropping highlights that illustrates that the most common commodity that is available in abundance is stupidity.
Proclamations from the last 7 days
The Cult Of Trump
- Brenden Dilley remains confident that “Trump is going to win” and is unconcerned about people who will complain that his presidency is illegitimate: “You can scream ‘illegitimate’ all the way up until 2025, when Trump will probably get reelected again because he’s going to petition for a third term because you motherfuckers kept trying to rig the first two terms.”
- This is the guy who previously boasted on his live stream that he simply makes stuff up and that none if it is true.
The Election
- ‘Stop the Steal’ Movement Will ‘Force’ States Biden Won to Send Republican Electors to Electoral College, Says Trump Rally Organizer
- The “Stop the Steal” folks lost and now they want to literally steal the election.
- Trump’s Lawyers Claim Proof of Massive Fraud; Prophets Declare ‘Red Sea’ Moment for God to Give Trump Victory
- They are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of defeat.
- George Pearsons Says People in Heaven and Even ‘The Ballot Itself’ Are Crying Out About Voter Fraud
- Actual Evidence of voter fraud – so far zero. Trump’s lawyers are very vocal on camera, but when under oath and in front of a judge they are silent because they know that there are legal consequences to making such claims in that context without evidence.
- Mario Murillo Says Christians ‘Cannot Accept the Results of This Election’ … “because doing so will mean that the United States has been taken over by “an evil force.”
- They failed that moral test in 2016.
- Brenden Dilley challenges anyone to disprove his claim that 130,000 fraudulent ballots were brought in for Biden in the middle of the election night in Wisconsin.
- Challenge accepted: Here you go Brenden, a simple Google search provides countless articles debunking this claim.
- Mark Taylor Claims Talk of a COVID Vaccine Is Code for Trump’s Plans to Arrest the ‘Cabal’
- Mark’s area of expertise is in being wrong all the time about absolutely everything.
- You might wonder how he, and many others, come to terms with their “prophecy” of a Trump win being wrong? Basically like this – In the past week he also claims that Trump won the election in a landslide “in the spirit” and now it’s up to Christians to engage in spiritual warfare “to bring this thing to fruition.” … and yes, those that lap up all this guy says really are stupid enough to buy this.
Conspiracy claims
- ‘Million MAGA March’ Draws Thousands in Gathering of Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists
- Fact Check: The “Million” MAGA march was only thousands. As is usual, these folks simply can’t count.
- After attending the Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C., Dave Daubenmire has concluded that “the leader of our movement is Alex Jones.”
- If your “leader” is a grifter who cons gullible people, you really are in deep trouble.
- Mario Murillo explains that he believes every unsubstantiated and unverified claim of voter fraud put forth by the Trump campaign based mainly on the fact that the media dismisses it all as nonsense.
- Clearly evidence and facts are evil wicked things and a heresy that needs to be cast out by this scamvangelist.
- Rick Wiles says the United States is facing a Satanic communist takeover that will crush the church and Christians must therefore prepare themselves to be gunned down in the streets as they resist.
- They play this trope every election season to manipulate those that are religious. The rather obvious fact that conflicts with this this claim is the observation that Biden is a deeply committed Catholic and Harris is a deeply committed Baptist.
- After Repeatedly Vowing He’d Never Get COVID-19, E.W. Jackson Reveals He Contracted the Virus … “repeatedly declared that he would never contract it because he was also being protected by God.”
- COVID-19 does not check your beliefs before infecting you.
- Rodney Howard-Browne says the COVID-19 vaccine is a satanic plot to change your DNA and “remove the God factor out of people so they won’t feel God.”
- My stunned silence on this one is confirmation that he has taken stupidity to a new level.
The Prophets
- Hank Kunneman dedicated his entire Sunday sermon to attacking those who have dared to criticize so-called “prophets” such as himself who falsely prophesied that President Donald Trump would be reelected.
- I guess he wishes to avoid his flock from putting him to death. That really is the biblical standard for false prophets.
Truly Bizarre
- Terri Pearsons insists that God is up in Heaven laughing at the wickedness of those who mocked her father, televangelist Kenneth Copeland, for laughing at the media for declaring that Biden had won the presidency.
- Translation: My imaginary friend is laughing at you for mocking my idiot dad.
- Robert Henderson claims that Kamala Harris is driven by “the Antichrist spirit.”
- On the plus side, at least he correctly referred to her as “Vice President-elect” while doing so.
- Gordon Klingenschmitt warns that Joe Biden intends to “transgenderize” the military because “the devil wants an atheist army for the Antichrist.”
- I suspect Gordon would be delighted with the concept of an army of Christian Soldiers marching off to war and carrying the Cross of Jesus on shields. He could even stop referring to military operations and instead call them crusades. Given how well that all worked out last time, I’d sure it would be just fine.
- Greg Stephens thinks that restrictions on Thanksgiving gatherings is a violation of the Third Amendment
- Huh!… ??? … that’s the amendment that prohibits the quartering of soldiers in private homes.
What other Idiots popped up last week?
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is good, some sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples of Swivel-Eyed religious fanatics …
- Pastor John Hagee Hospitalized for COVID: “We Have a Vaccine. The Name is Jesus Christ.”
- Holding in-person, indoor, jam-packed, and mask-optional services does have a consequence
- Creationist: God Gave Us a Nasal Bone Because He Knew We’d Wear Glasses One Day
- This is unbelievably stupid, even for a Creationist.
- Angry Christian Mom Condemns Hallmark Over Christmas Movie with Same-Sex Couple
- The one mum at one-million mums is always ready to complain; this is her latest offering. If she really does not like the movie then she can simply choose to not watch it.
- Christian Blogger Can’t Understand Why Any Evangelicals Voted for Biden
- Translation: A man who lives in a faith-based dumpster fire doesn’t get why some people tried to escape.
- Scamvangelist Says God Will Bring Your Hair Back: “Bald Spots, I Call You Gone!”
- Imagine risking your life in a pandemic to see the worst magic trick ever.