It is sadly way too common to come across stories of kids being abused in churches these days. This new story appears to take it all to an entirely new and very dark level.
Quick Facts
Which Megachurch? – It is Rock Church in San Diego. That was founded and led by former NFL player Miles McPherson,
So yea, I drove past it a few weeks ago, utterly oblivious to all this. If I’d known, I’d have booed as I did so.
Who was the elder?
It is the lady pictured above, Leticia McCormack.
OK, like you, I have questions. To be specific, how the heck does this specific church pick “elders”, what exactly is their criteria, and what sort of vetting takes place. Did she simply win the role by filling in a form on the back of a packet of chips perhaps?
What do we know and how do we know it?
The San Diego Sheriff’s department has the details …

Let this sink in … Church Elder …First Degree Murder, multiple counts of Torture, and multiple counts of Cruelty to a Child.
There is more.
Her father and mother have also been arrested because they are suspected to have some involvement.
The Roys report, a Christian run website that exposes religious corruption has additional details …
Arabella McCormack was found at her home in Spring Valley, California, on August 30 by deputies responding to a call of a child in distress. The child was then transported to the hospital where her health declined and she died.
Deputies suspected child abuse and contacted Arabella’s father, Brian McCormack. The father reportedly took his life when investigators approached him near his home to question him.
Arabella and her sisters were adopted by the McCormacks. The children’s biological parents, Chelsey Sambrano and Torriana Florey, previously told TRR that had seen pictures of their children, which show that all three were emaciated. The children also reportedly had bruises and scabs on their body, as well as broken teeth and signs of broken bones.
The parents said the surviving children had to be hospitalized and were suffering from an electrolyte imbalance that occurs when feeding is reinstated after severe malnutrition.
Both Sambrano and Florey said they noticed signs of abuse shortly after their children were placed in the McCormacks’ home. The two said they reported their suspicions to the Rock Church and Child Welfare Services, but neither organization took their reports seriously.
No, I’ve not turned religious, that’s an expletive.
This could have been prevented, but this church did nothing when explicitly told that something was not right here.
You would think that Rock Church would have learned something from their past. Earlier this year David Looney, a former teacher at Rock Academy, pled guilty to the sexual abuse of a former Rock Academy student.
Back in 2013 … yep, more sexual abuse.
Now we have not only a death, but vicious torture as well.
The Sheriff’s department have also issued a formal statement on Nov 8, 2022.
The fact that this goes way beyond sexual abuse and is not just physical torture but first degree murder is deeply shocking.
You know the drill and what comes next.
“The devil made her do it to make us look bad“, or some similar BS, and also, “Oh but she was not truly born again“.
Anybody taking that stance can seriously Fuck off. She was a supposed elder, born again, baptised the the spirit, and this happened.
This is also not the only instance in Rock Church of bad stuff being dished out by their staff.
Do I sound pissed?
Well I am, and so should you be.
When it comes to evangelicals, I’m tired of the lies, the bigotry, the rampant hypocrisy, the hatred, and the abuse.
Meanwhile Rock Church, now that it has all gone public, has decided to revoke her membership.
Meanwhile their utterly immoral and truly repugnant stance on gay people is that being gay is the gateway to pedophilia. Turns out that the real darkness rests within the hearts of their officially appointed elders.
Some Statistics
Number of kids harmed in any way at Drag Queen story hour – ZERO
Number of kids harmed by clerics, pastors and church elders – way too many to count.
- Nov 10 – Rock Church cuts ties with volunteer, mother accused of murder, child abuse in her daughter’s death
- Nov 8 – The Sheriff’s department formal statement.
- Nov 8, Roys Report – Elder at San Diego Megachurch Arrested in Alleged Abuse Death of 11-Year-Old Daughter