The utterly corrupted and unelected SCOTUS delivered a deep impact last Monday by declaring a law free zone around the presidency. Somebody is now really excited about that …

As we all know, this latest ruling via the bought and paid for SCOTUS has stirred up a complete shitstorm by delivering a Get-out-of-Jail-Free card to the rapist and convicted fraudster …

“But but but“, some might quip, “it did not give him total immunity from all crimes, just official acts“. True indeed, but it did do two rather consequential things:
- It ensured he will not be tried before the election
- It provided a future roadmap, to a very wide highway, on how to commit crimes in office and get away with it.
Ron spelled out just how crazy this is like this …

The Onion as usual nails it beautifully …

Seriously now, only one party actually has your back while the other simply riles up a mob with myths to maintain the wealth of the 1% …

I would not have thought it possible, but after this the Nov election is now even more consequential, and while it might indeed not be necessary to say something so very obvious, it still should be said …

- It really is not a difficult choice. It will either be the fascist abyss, or you vote blue
- If voting blue means voting for a store mannequin vs the convicted felon, then even the store mannequin gets my vote.
So what happens now?
Some do have a few thoughts on that and are motivated to act …

For those still struggling with it all, then permit me to spell it out for you.
If Joe Biden declared today that November’s election is canceled and ordered the military to keep him in power, then this SCOTUS ruling declares such an official act to be legal. You and I know he would not do that, but Trump sure as hell would.
Normally this is the point at which I write “OK, let’s move on now, but this has been so deeply impactful that it ripples into everything.
King or Country?
The Political Cartoonists as usual are being Brilliant

… and this …

… and this …

Media Asymmetry

- If only Chris had access to a major platform where he could tell large audiences about all the accomplishments of the Biden administration, and also call for the convicted felon and sexual abuser to stand down.
The Cult of Trump
This creature is the GOP Nominee …

- You can find the full court filing here
- PBS sum up the numerous very credible accusations against him here … back in 2019.
- You might wonder what happened to this case. Apparently she dropped the case a few days before the election (via here) – she abruptly canceled a plan to speak publicly about the allegations, and another attorney, Lisa Bloom, cited “numerous threats” against her client. It is deeply credible to think that Cohen threatened her and/or paid her off.
There are also others who testified that they saw Trump rape very young girls …

- Here is the actual affidavit referenced above
- Because of all the threats she dropped the case. Quote from Vox: “It’s not uncommon for victims of sexual assault to want to preserve their anonymity, and dropping a lawsuit doesn’t mean admitting that the case had no merit. Jill Harth, who sued Trump for sexual assault in 1997, still stands by her claims even though she dropped the lawsuit. And it would indeed have been an intense couple of days for Johnson — Bloom said that her firm’s website was hacked, that Anonymous had claimed responsibility, and that death threats and a bomb threat came in afterwards.”
- Reminder 1: It is not just one dubious case, Multiple women have gone on record to say that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them.
- Reminder 2: E. Jean Carroll proved in a court of law before a jury that Trump did indeed sexually assault her.
The convicted felon is also a sexual abuser yet the focus from the media has been a stunning silence, no calls for him to stand down. There is no avoiding the observation that large media outlets owned by some very rich people who seek to preserve their vast wealth have a financial motive to ensure a Trump win.
Christian Nationalism
So yes, he is not wrong, the rather blatant in-you-face hypocrisy truly is vast and deep …

Christian “Love”
I mean seriously … as in WTF … this really is deeply wild …

- Couldn’t vote, or get most jobs, or get housing, or use a public restroom, and probably will get beaten for existing, but golly the fashions were swell (insert mega-facepalm here).
The real meaning of “Christ is King” …

Astonishing Stupidity
The GOP Candidate for Gov of NC is a violent thug who has now called for his opponents to be killed…
- The deeply experienced political commentator Greg Sargent writes here in The New Republic (July 5) about what was said and gives you the full context: “Robinson, a self-described “MAGA Republican,” has a long history of wildly radical and unhinged moments. He has linked homosexuality to pedophilia, called for the arrest of trans women, pushed hallucinogenic antisemitic conspiracy theories, endorsed the vile “birther” conspiracy about Barack Obama, described Michelle Obama as a man, hinted at the need to violently oppose federal law enforcement and the government, and posted memes mocking and denying the brutal, violent assault on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, among many other things. …. His latest rant is yet another example of an ugly game widely played on the MAGA right, one supercharged by Donald Trump. It entails hinting that right-wing political violence is necessary and justified because a ubiquitous, all-seeing, all-powerful leftist threat—one that is pure invention—is already supposedly attacking and persecuting conservatives on a mass scale“
Homophobia on Steroids
Raanan Hershberg used his comedy skit to attack anti-trans talking points …
Project 2025
A rather jaw-dropping bit of rhetoric …
Now that news of Project 2025 is coming out, Trump is as usual lying about it …

- It’s a rather blatant Trump lie, his campaign literally chose Russ Vought, a top Project 2025 leader, to co-lead the RNC’s Platform Committee
But can I prove that Trump is lying?
Sure I can …

That’s the thing about Trump lies, they are very easy to refute. The problem is not the debunking, but rather the vast quantity of lies. There are so many it becomes tedious, and also when his cultish followers are faced with the debunking they demonstrate that they don’t care.
Democracy At Risk

- Given the observation that the Washington Post’s official slogan is “Democracy Dies in Darkness“, I guess we have just learned that A4 is that “Darkness”
Deeply Weird
If you are concerned that SCOTUS has managed to monopolise and corner the raw stupidity market this past week, then you really need not be concerned because there are others out there willing to compete …
- She’s sitting in front of a laptop (science), in a likely air-conditioned room (science), filming herself digitally (science) and posting it to the internet (science).
The UK had an election this past week
Sometimes elections do actually go rather well.
Only the British can deliver the sight of a new Prime Minister standing next to someone in an Elmo suit in a community centre at 3am …

They also delivered Sky news readers literally screaming in orgasmic delight when the exit poll reveals a labour party landslide …
She really does get it
This is a truly excellent point …
- Even if she is not the candidate, you can still bookmarked the above as a talking point for undecided voters
The bible as “history” …
It a totally crazy week, the former mayor of New York was disbarred in NY over false 2020 election claims and can no longer practise law there … which means that the guys can’t run their Crazy Rudy ad there anymore …