Daft Claims concerning: “The Devil, the internet, Richard Dawkins and God”!!

Stephen Bayley writes in today’s UK Telegraph an article that is stuffed full of bizarre and strange claims, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much daftness packed into so few words. The entire article consists of just two paragraphs, and they pay him to do this? However ever little it was, it was still … Read more

BBC News clip : Andrew Copson of the BHA does a great job debunking the militant secularist claim

Here is a truly excellent performance by Andrew Copson (Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association), he is to be congratulated for a job well done, he interviews very well and comes across as eloquent, concise and calm. As for Anne Atkins … “I want to live in a confused mishmash of a society that just about works. We … Read more

Claim: “‘Militant secularisation’ taking hold of British society”!! – what exactly is “Militant secularisation”

In today’s UK Guardian, the Tory party chairman, Lady Warsi, has issued a warning for what she calls the “militant secularisation” of society and propose Christianity is given a central role in public life. What the heck is “militant secularisation”, and why or why would you give an irrational belief a seat at the table? … Read more

Utterly Potty Claim: “Teaching Evolution leads to Nazism!!” … really?

I’m prompted by the article in today’s UK Guardian by Katherine Stewart. She writes about, “The new anti-science assault on US schools“. Yes indeed, the US creationists appear to have taken a page directly out of “Night of the Living Dead”, and even after a fatal blow to their lunacy was delivered by the 2005 decision of … Read more