For quite literally millions, Trump has been supposedly chosen by a God to serve in office. Those making that claim do indeed truly merit the wingnut badge. I’m not exactly sure how the “especially chosen” claim works. Are they seriously claiming that a God rigged the ballots, or that we don’t have free will?
We should perhaps also not forget that this supposedly divinely appointed representative is a foulmouthed, thrice-married vulgarian who boasts of grabbing women by their private parts and paid hush money to a porn star alleging an extramarital affair.
Support for this guy tells you a great deal about the values that those that continue to support him embrace. In other words, he is not the messiah, instead he is just a very naughty boy.
Did any Wingnut pop up during the last 7 days?
Indeed yes, that’s more or less guaranteed. Here is this week’s select of gems …
The Cult of Trump …
- Wanda Alger asserts that President Trump has faced extreme opposition …. “because of the Lord’s favor on him and his mission to defeat the globalists, communists, socialists and every other group that wants to rid our nation of God and our sovereign republic.” …
- Hint: that’s not why people oppose him.
- Josh Bernstein declares that everyone has to vote for Trump in 2020 …. “because the alternative is misery, depression, death, poverty, loss of jobs, loss of freedom, loss of freedom of speech, the loss of your Second Amendment rights. The list is endless.”
- Josh fails to grasp that a vote for Trump guarantees all of that
- Chris McDonald: God Will Destroy the Democrats for Trying to Impeach Trump
- Rick Wiles says that … “if you support the overthrow of the president, you are a domestic enemy of the republic.”
- This same guy, Wiles, felt quite differently when President Obama was in office.
Meanwhile The Barack Obama Fan Club is alive and well …
- Mark Taylor: Barack Obama Will Be Executed for Treason
- Former CIA Officer Brad Johnson: It Would Be ‘Very Healthy for our Country’ if Obama Administration Officials Were Executed for Treason
The Hillary Clinton fan club is also thriving …
Gun Violence theories …
- David Lane knows what is the blame for mass shootings in America:… “The blatant disavowal and renunciation of God in America, along with last century’s exodus of Christians from the public square, provide the key to explaining America’s frenzied headlong plunge into cultural depravation. Those in rebellion against God plundered the culture and abolished the Founding Fathers’ biblically based laws, customs and early education models.”
Greta Thunberg …
- Paul Joseph Watson may not be at Infowars anymore, but he’s still a conspiracy theorist who implied that a video of climate activist Greta Thunberg speaking at the United Nations could be fake.
- The Right’s Attack on Greta Thunberg is a Tired Exercise—but Serves Its Purpose
- Wayne Allyn Root attacked climate change activist Greta Thunberg as “a little brainwashed idiot.”
Why attack Greta? – Because Climate Change is Imaginary …
- Robert Jeffress: Climate Change Is an ‘Imaginary Crisis’ That God Won’t Let Happen …
- I have no idea how this works – if it is all imaginary, they what exactly is his God supposedly saving us from?
Activism …
- Doug Hagmann bravely declares that he’s ready to storm the Capitol and start arresting the Democrats and “deep state” operatives who are supposedly working to take down Trump: … “Give me the flippin’ handcuffs. I know a dozen people right now, let’s get the handcuffs, let’s go to Capitol Hill, and let’s start frog-marching these morons out of there.”
- It would be fascinating to see him actually try this. Reality is that he would be arrested and face charges.
What else happened?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious …
- FOX News Panel: Liberals Are “Worshipping the Environment” Instead of God
- NC Lawmakers Mock Man for Supporting Marriage Equality: “Tell It To Satan”
- “Banana Man” Ray Comfort Now Wants to Convince You God Designed Oranges
- Pat Robertson: To Destroy “Powerful Witches,” Bind Satan & His “Forces of Evil”
- Pastor Accused of Attempted Rape of Child Says Victim’s Demons “Provoked Him”
- Christians Hid a Dinosaur Fossil 170 Years Ago Because It Contradicted the Bible
- Christian Who Wanted Obama Impeached Now Says Democrats Should “Win an Election”
- Ohio Woman Who Caused Multiple-Vehicle Car Crash Says “God Told Her To” Do It
- Christian TV Host: God Will Punish Democrats for Trying to Impeach Trump
- Calgary Preacher: A Rainbow With Six Colors is “a Lie from the Pit of Hell”
- Pastor Charged With Sexually Abusing 13-Year-Old Says “She Initiates” Most of It
- Bishop: Girls Should Skip College So They’re Not Smarter Than Their Husbands
- Michigan Catholic Diocese Lists 17 Priests “Credibly Accused of Abusing a Minor”
Is there any positive good news out there?
Actually, yes there is …
- Census Results Show That Nearly Half of New Zealand Has No Religious Affiliation
- Why Did America Lose Its Religion? Thank the Internet.
So i guess when the TRUMP train express plows through 2020 those of you that need your safe rooms will be needing cry rooms. Where is your condemnation of Allah….I dare you.
// So i guess when the TRUMP train express plows through 2020 those of you that need your safe rooms will be needing cry rooms. //
Your beloved messiah does not invest in railways … you are quite literally running out of track.
// Where is your condemnation of Allah….I dare you.//
Been there done that, simply use the search option for this site to find it all … I dare you.