Wingnut Weekly – 13 Oct 2019

wingnut of the week
Cartoonist Rob Rogers, who was fired for drawing cartoons that were critical of Trump, drew the above during this past week to make this observation…
Impeachment Amnesia: Lindsey Graham is just one of the hypocritical republicans who were all in for Clinton’s impeachment but now can’t seem to recognize Trump’s high crimes.“

When faced with the various wingnut proclamations then you do have to seriously wonder who they are attempting to communicate with. The gullible and the easily manipulated is the most viable answer. Nobody else can take such ideas seriously. During the past week we have been given the strong suggestion that Trump should execute his political opponents, or the claim that saying no to Trump is akin to saying no to God.

This tweet however does very much sum things up …

… and I must admit, he really does spell it out as it is. For reference, this is the guy who was the Chief Prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, and so he has exactly zero tolerance for the prevailing BS …

Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days

Here is this week’s select of gems …

The Cult of Trump …

The Hilary Clinton fan club …

  • Chris McDonald says that Hillary Clinton …. “is the most prolific serial killer in America.”

The George Soros fan club …

  • E.W. Jackson Says George Soros Is an ‘Evil Man’ and ‘Demon-Possessed’“This evil man, he really needs to be delivered. He really does. This man is demon-possessed. He spends money to help abort babies. He spends money to divide people racially. He spends money to attack our Constitution. He spends money to do every negative thing. Frankly, he spends money to advance the cause of communism.”

Jackson does not just hate Soros, he hates almost everybody …

Conspiracy of the week

  • Right-wing conspiracy theorist Field McConnell says that Barack Obama may have been secretly executed by a military firing squad last month.

What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?

Lots of other stuff.

As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …

  • Preacher: Christians Should Put Religious Tracts in Halloween Store Merchandise
  • Right-Wing Websites Are Distorting Scientific Data to Attack Trans People
  • A Misguided Research Paper Says Religion is Key to Overcoming Substance Abuse
  • Pat Robertson: Trump May Lose the “Mandate of Heaven” if He Abandons the Kurds
  • Christian Missionary Group Allowed Known Child Predator To Work in Haiti
  • What Do You Do When Your Father is a Priest Who Raped Your Underage Mother?
  • Trump’s Bible Study Leader is Working with a Homophobic Ukrainian Politician
  • Predator Priests Now Live All Around Us Thanks to the Catholic Church

Religious scam of the week …

  • These Expensive “Jesus Shoes,” Which Come With Holy Water, Are Selling Out – Bless their soles.

How will all this play out?

The realisation that these wingnuts are completely immoral is starting to gain traction. Here is what a New York Times bestselling author is saying today …

Seth, who is also an author and journalist makes drives this point home ….

It points towards what happens next. They will be ignored and discarded as irrelevant, the vast majority will move on …

… and the gloves are coming off …

2 thoughts on “Wingnut Weekly – 13 Oct 2019”

  1. So biased where oh where is your Muhammad and Islam condemnation just to easy to attack the christian faith kinda like the bandwagon mentality.


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