Are there really more Atheists than Christians in the UK?

So the news … as reported via Sky and many others is this … Atheist Numbers Surge In England And Wales Research says that the Anglican and Catholic churches are failing to hold on to those brought up as Christians. According to new research, around 48.5% of those surveyed in 2015 said they had no … Read more

Is Salt Good for you?

The UK’s Lancet no less has published a paper in which they conclude that very low salt intake is bad for you … Associations of urinary sodium excretion with cardiovascular events in individuals with and without hypertension: a pooled analysis of data from four studies (Side note: sorry, they have a paywall there) We searched … Read more

Can you really Study Atheism?

Now here is a good news story doing the rounds in the media at the moment, for example The New York Times reports .. University of Miami Establishes Chair for Study of Atheism … and so you might feel this is strange and that it makes no sense at all. If you made the observations that Atheism is … Read more

Will religion die?

A couple of days ago I was writing about why the latest evolutionary psychological observations suggest the inevitable demise and decline of both Christianity and also Islam. I now see that the UK’s Independent has run a similar story … however … this is how they describe it … Religion could die out as world’s … Read more

Lies, Dammed Lies, and Republican Politics – #crookedhillary claim debunked

So I’ve been seeing postings such as the following popping up, and if this was in any way factual then there would indeed be questions to be answered. One ever so small tiny flaw is that it is not in any way factual. OK, that is not actually such a small problem, but is actually quite large, … Read more

Kenyan Attorney General suspends registration of atheists’ society

What happens when belief dominates a society? This does, it is just happened in Kenya … Attorney General Githu Muigai suspends registration of atheists’ society Attorney General Githu Muigai has suspended the registration of the Atheists’ Society in Kenya following complaints from the clergy. … “Following receipt of representations made to the State Law Office by … Read more