Rick Perry, Carbon Dioxide, and #Climate

Public Health Warning: Reading about Rick Perry can potentially inflict serious face palming. Trump appointee, Rick Perry, the energy secretary was interviewed on CNBC’s “Squawk Box”. When asked about the role that Carbon Dioxide play in our warming climate and if it was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,”, he … Read more

The increase of Deadly Heat Waves & #Climate

A new study entitled “Global risk of deadly heat” has just become available online. It is very timely given the observation that currently we have a Heat Wave in various locations including the US and the UK at the moment. That however is just a coincidence. The paper has been in the pipeline for some … Read more

What does NASA GISTEMP Data for May 2017 tell us?

NASA maintains the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) data set, and so on a monthly basis there is an update. What exactly is GISTEMP? GISTEMP is an estimate of global surface temperature change. They collect raw data files from NOAA GHCN v3 (meteorological stations), ERSST v4 (ocean areas), and SCAR (Antarctic stations). This is all then combined. … Read more

Climate Change: Filling the political and financial funding abyss

The Trump Administration’s principle weapon of choice for attacking climate science is not melodramatic announcements such as the one concerning US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, nor is it the appointment of individuals such as Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA, but instead is firmly rooted in federal finance. The proposed budget for 2018 will, … Read more

The Growing US Climate Alliance

When I first wrote about this a few days ago, there was as such no name. Well there is now, it is being called the “United States Climate Alliance”. It is also growing. There are a couple of key points to appreciate … It is bipartisan and crosses the normal political boundaries. Governors and city … Read more

Trump’s Climatic decision on the #ParisAgreement – #climate

When it coms to all things Trump, I keep grasping for the “Nobody would do something that stupid” thought, and yet time after time he does something that completely resets such expectations. The announcement that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement is a classic example of just that, and so his unofficial title of … Read more