Obama: ‘We’re building Iron Man’

Today I have no specific point, and am instead sharing a few recordings that simply made me laugh, oh and it is also nice to note that Obama himself has a great sense of humour. Now, if you happened to be in his shoes, would you not also be tempted at one point to say … Read more

Debt and the downgrade – some claim it is all Obama’s fault

I’m reading a story in the UK’s Telegraph, that claims, “America’s debt downgrade is a damning indictment of President Obama’s Big Government disaster“.

According to this Torygraph story, it is all Obama’s fault; it is “a massive blow to the credibility of the Obama administration, and a damning indictment of its handling of the economy“, and has all been caused by an “unprecedented increase in government spending and borrowing“.

This is such a silly factually incorrect claim to make; is the author of this article, Nile Gardiner, really that moronically stupid? Well, I note that he appears frequently on Fox News, so I can only conclude that the answer to that is “Yes”.

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Obama is the Antichrist!!!

Westboro Baptist Church attorney Margie Phelps said Sunday that President Barack Obama was probably a sign of the Apocalypse. She is quoted as saying … “The president is going to be king of the world before this is all said and done and he is most likely The Beast spoken of in the Revelation,” she … Read more

Obama as the Antichrist!!!

I just came across an old article in the May edition of Scientific American by Steve Mirsky. Apparently Harris Interactive conducted an on-line survey in March regarding what folks in the US thought of President Obama, and (as you might expect) the results proved to be rather startling … for example, Steve reports … 40 … Read more