The HBO QAnon documentary finally became available last Sunday. Leading QAnon “decoder” Dave Hayes (aka “The Praying Medic”) complains that it portrays QAnon followers as a bunch of “oddballs and outcasts.”
So who should we believe offers us a credible insight here, the HBO Documentary makers, or oddball and outcast Dave Hayes?
What other crazy things have bubbled to the surface during this past week?
You will find below a few of the more examples that have popped up during the past week.
I’ve highlighted these so that we can laugh about it all. I find that to be the best response to the batshit insane babbling that flows from this cult of fools.
The Cult of Trump
The folks who are on the wrong side of history and are pushing against civil rights.
- Lara Trump says that her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, is working to build a new social media platform where conservatives will be free to say whatever they want and won’t “feel like the fact checkers are going to be all over them.”
- It caters beautifully to the folks who don’t need facts or reality.
- Manuel Johnson declares that Trump will be restored to the White House and when he comes back, he’ll be completely transformed because “the Lord is doing something internally in Trump.”
- There will be no second coming, he is not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy.
- E.W. Jackson insists that former President Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh were very humble men because the true mark of humility is “agreeing with God and seeking to obey him.”
- I’m looking forward to Trump following the words of Jesus by giving away all he owns, this “humble” man will be doing that any day now … right?
- Jack Hibbs warns that the steps taken to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus are part of a plan to condition Christians to accept the Mark of the Beast.
- The “Mark of the Beast is coming any day now” claims have been popping up since the year dot.
- The phrase is in the bible, but there is no agreement amongst those that believe regarding what it means.
- David Lane fumes over the United States’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic: “The 16-month feverishly frenzied coronavirus campaign appears to have been driven by Big Pharma’s social media operation, which we might brand ‘panic for profit.’ They were aided and abetted by un-American censorship through Big Tech’s Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and a sectarian mainstream media manipulating the public to such an extent that if people were instructed to get into boxcars to be taken to the nearest ‘Virus Protection Camp,’ many Americans would rush headlong to get in line.”
- Reality Check: 546,880 US citizens are dead and many more will die. The only viable solution is the vaccine.
- Kat Kerr may have taken the COVID-19 vaccine if Donald Trump was still president, but she won’t be getting vaccinated now because she can no longer trust it with that “villain” Joe Biden is in the White House.
- To find that she is also anti-vaccine is simply not a surprise.
Stolen Election
- Josh Bernstein reports that he is part of an effort to audit the election results in Arizona, which he’s hoping will create a “constitutional crisis” that will result in a “writ of quo warranto” being issued to remove Biden from office.
- He needs credible evidence – don’t hold your breath waiting for any.
- Michele Bachmann’s ‘Election Integrity’ Conference Features Notorious Source of Conspiracy Theories The Gateway Pundit
- Back on election night Bachmann also told viewers of Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel that God had “sealed this election in the heavenlies” and that they would be “rejoicing very soon.”
- John Guandolo says that “we just had an election in the United States where the communists seized power, so I would argue we don’t have a republic right now; we have a communist regime that is being run through China.”
- I genuinely don’t think he understands what the word “communist” actually means.
- Mike Lindell claims that it was part of God’s plan to have the Supreme Court reject his earlier election fraud lawsuits because he says the new documentary and lawsuit he is readying will contain so much irrefutable proof of foreign interference that everyone will know SCOTUS is “compromised” if they reject this lawsuit.
- Quantity of credible evidence he has presented so far = exactly zero
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks that she’s the target of a “spiritual war’ because she is “someone who is constantly speaking God’s truth,” and complains that she’s “been attacked more than any other member of Congress, possibly in history.”
- If literally everybody is either criticising or mocking you, then it really is time to take a good long look in the mirror. The problem is not “them”, but rather is you.
- Alex McFarland is outraged that the Alabama House voted to lift the state’s ban on yoga in public schools: “I personally think that for Christian parents the public schools just can no longer be an option. You have to get your kids out of these programming camps that pass for public schools.”
- He literally believes that stretching exercise is some sort of religious ritual.
Fools of the week – The False Profit$
The stars of this weekly show are of course the religious grifters …
- Mario Murillo declares that “this is the age of debauchery,” and he knows who is to blame: “Why then are the wicked strutting their stuff? In two words: Joe Biden. They believe Joe Biden was the signal for the insanity. His presidency is the exaltation of vileness that the Bible warned us about.”
- Vaccines for all, infrastructure bill to create work and revive the economy, etc… oh the horror, the pure evil of it all … (shudders)
- During Sunday’s church service, right-wing pastor Greg Locke told his congregation that he’d bail them out of jail if they were to be arrested for protesting a women’s health clinic or confronting “them bunch of pedophiles” at a Drag Queen Story Hour.
- Shane Vaughn Says He’s Been Called By God to Denounce ‘The Sin of the Biden Administration’
- Who exactly will he be doing all this denouncing to? … his entire congregation is just 30 people
- ‘Prophet’ Robin Bullock Says Biden’s Stairs Stumble Is a Sign His Presidency Is ‘Finished’
- Reminder: This is one of the many who, as a prophet, guaranteed that Donald Trump would win the 2020 election.
Will next week be any different?