New Study reveals “Beer belly not caused by alcohol” … Is this really true?

A new study has discovered that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that beer causes weight gain … or has it? The UK papers talk about “Nutritionist Dr Kathryn O’Sullivan, who carried out the review of the scientific review” … and also refer to a report entitled “Beer & calories; a scientific review”. Sounds … Read more

Evolution really is True … even when you claim it is not because scientists say so

This is quite funny, well-known young earth creationist, Paul Nelson gets completely pwned. Dr Jerry Coyne is a professor of biology who is well-known in some circles for going head-to-head with the intelligent design community. Least you wonder who they are, those are the “God did it” brigade who attempt to make it all more palatable by stripping away all the religious bits … Read more

The Talking Whale … yes really.

Now this is truly cute, while we do know that many different varieties of animal will attempt to mimic human speech, for the first time a whale has been observed doing so. In this specific instance, it is a Beluga whale named Noc. Apparently when Noc started doing this it fooled a diver in the pool at … Read more

Claims of Peer Review for Intelligent Design examined … and debunked

One of the many variations of modern creationism (the folks that claim ‘god did it’ is the right answer) is called “Intelligent Design”. There they attempt to refute evolution via the promotion of scientific evidence for an intelligent designer, and also attempt to make it more palatable by omitting all religious terms from what is essentially a religious claim. … Read more

How old are you … physically?

We know that different people age at different rates, so an interesting question to ponder is “How old an Individual is Biologically?”. While you might indeed be, lets say 35, chronological years, have you actually been aging at a faster rate, or even perhaps aging at a slower rate and have the body of a … Read more

The shorter you are the longer you live – Is this a tall story?

It would appear that shorter people and taller people exhibit differences in longevity. There are things that you can change that will impact your lifespan, (diet and exercise behavior, avoiding smoking, reducing stress, getting married and having children, etc…) but beyond that are other aspects that cannot be modified, such as height … oh dear. … Read more