Pakistani Muslim Doctor threatened for helping non-Muslim

The Guardian recounts the firsthand story written by a Muslim doctor about what happened when he treated a non-Muslim, and how it resulted in him completely changing his entire life and fleeing Pakistan. …one night while working an ER shift, when I received a patient needing urgent dialysis. Unattended and disheveled as he was, there … Read more

TIL @ #WSF16 – Elephants that go underground and mine salt

The title might suggest that this is a satire piece, but it is not and is instead the literal description. It comes via a talk given by Ian Redmond at the Winchester Science festival last Sunday, and so the acronym TIL within the title means “Today I Learned”, but to be a tad more accurate perhaps … Read more

Pokémon Go the ultimate religious lunatic detector

What happens when Pokémon Go meets fanatical religious belief in Saudi Arabia? I’m speculating about your thoughts, but my guess it that you will most probably conjurer up mental images of lots of little Pokémon being beheaded, and that is not too far from the truth. We have been here before, because back in 2001 when Pokémon first … Read more

Guardian refused to publish Comedian Frankie Boyle’s article – here it is, enjoy.

The UK Comedian Frankie Boyle (pictured above) has a very sharp tongue that you really really don’t want to be on the receiving end of. What he says and writes can not only be hilariously funny, it often is laced with a few gems of truth as well. It is truly fascinating that it is … Read more

Why did Republicans bring massive boost to Gay Sex workers in Cleveland?

As you might be aware, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland passed what is perhaps the most hostile anti-LGBT platform ever seen in its history. With that in mind you might perhaps anticipate that when it town all these white straight anglo-saxons would have caused the normal trade being plied by local gay sex workers … Read more

Hillary Clinton Mythology

I am quite frankly astonished to observe the degree of mythology that has grown up around both Bill and Hillary Clinton. To give you an idea of what is floating about, here is a list to various claims that have all been robustly fact-checked on Snopes and discovered to be completely and utterly false … The … Read more