2014 Nobel Prize – Literature … the writing is on the wall

The written word is in many respects a profound concept – the idea that we can capture and persist thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts, dreams and visions in a format that can live on long after the author has passed and be picked up and absorbed is truly astonishing. We take it for granted because we have … Read more

2013 Nobel Prize – Literature

While the written word can often be mundane, there are works that are truly profound because they express new and unique ideas, insights and thoughts, or craft an image in the mind that truly entrances us. While it is of course appropriate to grant scientific awards to those that push forward our understanding of who … Read more

2012 Nobel Prize: Literature

It is literature day for the Nobel Prize … not strictly science, but still perhaps interesting to note who has been spotlighted for crafting and shaping human thoughts, dreams, and aspirations … all carefully massaged to inspire or provoke. To use the words of Nobel himself, a prize for … “the person who shall have produced … Read more