The ‘Smut for Smut’ Campaign Returns – Students offer to exchange a bible for some porn

Last week, some students at the University of Texas at San Antonio ran their now-annual “Smut for Smut” campaign. The deal is that holy books could be exchanged for hard-core pornography. <you can insert your “???” comment here> Is this a joke? Nope, it is a real offer, so what is this all about? The … Read more

Christopher Hitchens preaches support for the Bible

No, Christopher Hitchens has not  had a sudden conversion, but he has indeed written an article within the May edition of  vanity Fair in full support of the Bible. He argues that our language and culture are incomplete without this 400-year-old book—the King James translation of the Bible. It was spurned by the Establishment, so it really represents a triumph for rebellion and dissent.

Here are a couple of extracts …

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Because the bible tells me so!!!

The Guardian’s GrrlScientist blogger, one of their many science bloggers has a post (click here) about judgment day and also links to the Thinking Atheists video on the topic. She says …

Pastors, priests, apologists, ministers, religious philosophers and leaders of every kind, from every generation, have quoted from the books of Daniel and Revelation about the End of Days. Are their claims any less ridiculous? And should they be held any less accountable?

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